Last night I smoked a couple of bowls of Walnut in a Sunrise Dublin. I have today off from work!
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Last night I smoked a couple of bowls of Walnut in a Sunrise Dublin. I have today off from work!
First fill of the day — Patriot Flake (Dan Tobacco) in my Tinsky straight brandy. I’ve heard that many pipe smokers like to start the day with a milder tobacco and work up. I’m the opposite; I like a hearty tobacco to start with, and Patriot Flake fills that bill.
Had some Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulleye Flake from 2015 in a Savinelli I picked up at the Richmond pipe show.
Smoked a bowl of Five Brothers in a Comoy's Guildhall billiard this morning before going to work. I'm off work now and just finished a little bowl of some bright Virginia that I stoved in the oven overnight.