Same here.
Biggest thing I have against them is the "ZOMG THE HOLIDAY BLEND IS HERE QUICK ORDER SOME BEFORE IT'S SOLD OUT IN THE NEXT 20 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Homey don't play that game
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Not enough F&T Vintage in my tin for a fill so I added some Hamborger Veermaster. Quite good! Wish that I’d tried this while I had more Vintage. Will remember next time.
Having a cobful of G&H Rum Flake while sitting by a campfire.
Also having a few beerz
I just opened a 2-1/2 yo tin of Escudo — puffing that now in my old aluminum Kirsten Mariner. One nice thing about the Kirsten — I never draw in a bit of tobacco, or bitter ash, no matter how far down I smoke the charge.
Having my first bowl of the day late today.
Just pulled back into town in time to watch the Cowboys game.
Now enjoying a bowl of Peterson Irish Flake in my unfinished Savinelli Series III
Puffing F&T Blackjack in my Caminetto pot with silver spigot mount. It’s said to be a red Virginia, but strawberry blonde is closer to the mark. No topping, but tasty — a bit acidic. Dry out of the tin — almost like straw. Consequently it comes in the largest 50g tin I’ve ever seen (to accommodate its bulk). The same diameter as an Escudo tin, but at least 25% taller.
I was up a little early today.
I actually had time for a tiny smoke this morning, in my mini-sized Dorm, Jr. (ignore the slobber. I was also drinking coffee.) :tongue:
Smoking an English Kake I made a few years ago. When it is gone, it is gone forever; most of the ingredients were McClelland tobaccos.
I also found a leftover sample of Penzance, with a few years age on it. A very different English. Drier, woodier, with a nice incense fragrance from the orientals.
I think I like them both equally well, but will never have more either (well, maybe the Penzance, but I'm not bending over backwards to get any).
SG lakeland dark in a Jeantet prince. This stuff is stout, careful puffing and a few minutes puts ya in a great mood!