My jar of Solani ABF was nearly empty. I took what there was, then added enough Wessex Classic Virginia for a complete fill, and chopped both up a bit. About 1/3 ABF, 2/3 CV. Didn’t think this mix would be all that good, but wanted to use the last of the ABF. But by golly, it’s quite tasty. In my Luciano squat bulldog.
I opened a 2 yo tin of Solani 633, Virginia with Perique, a day or two ago. Puffing that now in my dear old Kirsten Mariner. Very fine tobacco, but I probably won’t buy more of it. One of its attractions for me was that it came in the compact-storing rectangular 50g tins. But now, like all STG flakes that I know of, it comes in the bulky round Escudo-sized tins. I’ll get Dunhill Navy Rolls instead. Also Escudo-sized tins, but a slightly better vaper than 633. But I still have LOTS of the 633 in rectangular tins in stock.
Had a bowl of a mixture of C&D Autumn Evening and Prince Albert with my morning coffee.
About to light up a pre-lunch bowl of 12 year old McClelland Guillotine Slices. I think I have enough for one more bowl. It's great stuff.
Last fill of the day: Solani 763, White & Black. The mildest tobacco that I know of, yet flavorful.
Esoterica Dorchester in a birch while awaiting the arrival of sister and brother in law of Bruck (SABILOB) from Detroit :)
I turn 40 today, so I'm opening something special!
I'll be smoking some soon!
Happy birthday! Let us know how that fill went.
- - - Updated - - -
Puffing a fill of Hamborger Veermaster in my Caminetto red pot:
This mild and tasty Virginia has been “Currently out of stock” FOR-EV-ER at SmokingPipes. I do have 4-7/8 tins remaining in my stock.
Tuning up for lunch, which will feature King Oscar “Tiny Tots” bristling sardines on German-baked pumpernickel with mustard, black pepper, and LOTS of raw onion.
That 3 Oaks Syrian is amazing!
I wish I had so much more of it!
Puffing Solani 633, Virginia with Perique, in my trusty Kirsten Mariner. SmokingPipes says 633 is "the Champagne of Virginias". I don’t like Champagne (much prefer Hess Chardonnay for a white), but 633 is certainly good tobacco.
Sister and BIL are in town, going to take them for a drive in the mountains later on, but before that I'll cook up some bacon and eggs, and more importantly, prior to that I'm burning up some lovely Newminster #6 vanilla delight in a cheap briar.