Rattray's Old Gowrie in a Rogers Rarity (made by Custombuilt).
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Rattray's Old Gowrie in a Rogers Rarity (made by Custombuilt).
Puffing my blend of 75% Solani 656, Aged Burley Flake and 25% F&T Blackjack. Smoked separately, the ABF is a bit leaden, and the Blackjack is too zippy for me. But this blend is just tasty — an excellent invention.
Puffing Solani 779, English Luxury Mixture. Virginia, Syrian Latakia, and Oriental. It’s been growing on me lately. Smooth and tasty.
Edit: I’m starting to feel like Jim Inks…
I'd be interested to see what you think of Rattray's Red Raparee. It's more of a Scottish blend IMO; a mild English with a touch of 'unflavored' black cavendish to boost the sweetness a bit. 'Unflavored' but I pick up a light touch of vanilla from time to time. It's really a nice blend.
Puffing Hamborger Veermaster in my new Luciano stout bulldog. Just the third day that I’ve smoked this pipe, but it’s going great.
H. V. Has been “Currently out of stock” forever at SmokingPipes. Fortunately, I have enough on hand to see me through the drought.
Been more than a few years since this old Medico has had a bowl of Amphora brown run through it. Found my grandfather's old pipe when we were home a couple weeks ago. Figured tonight is as good a night as any to load a bowl of his favorite tobacco and enjoy. Solitude on the deck but smoking it in good company.
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Enjoying a relatively cool evening with a glass of sweet iced tea and a bowl of Peterson's Irish Flake in my London made Ben Wade apple.
Had a bowl of SG Navy Flake in a Rattrays cherrywood over the course of about 6 hours while working on this and that. That's one of the nice things about a sitter. Finished up the last little bit with a glass of Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout.
Just finished a bowl of Dunhill Flake in
a Chadwick cutty