Started my day off with a bowl of Condor in a Sunrise billiard.
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Started my day off with a bowl of Condor in a Sunrise billiard.
Smoking some McClelland 2015 Virginia Perique flake in a Guildhall billiard.
Condor again in a MM Country Gentleman. Drinking Myers Dark Rum in Vernor's Ginger Ale.
This morning was a hodgepodge blend of Yule log, velvet, carter hall and LBF
This afternoon was Edgeworth ready rubbed Match while driving. I’m on my second bowl now and have another bowls worth drying a bit for a smoke a little later
Enjoying an adult beverage and a bowl of McClelland 40th Anniversary in a straight Savinelli billiard.
I did a stint in Detroit as an engineering intern for Detroit Edison. At soda fountains where I grew up, most folks ordered Cokes with cherry/vanilla/chocolate flavoring. But in Detroit, Vernor’s was more common. And many of them put cream in it!
Puffing a blend of two F&T tobaccos: 75% Vintage, 25% Blackjack. Better than the 50/50 mixture that I started with.
Studying unconscionability in contracts, while puffing a bowl of McClelland's 40th Aniverssary in a Savinelli Canadian.
When I'm done with the tins I have open, I'm going to have to slow down on smoking McClelland stuff I guess.
Puffing Solani 779, English Luxury Mixture, in my Kirsten Mariner. Good stuff! Virginia, Oriental, and Syrian Latakia
Penzance in my pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock.
ERR in a knotty lovat