Thanks for the list; I have put them on my list of blends to try. Is "SRT" Sweet Rum Twist?
Just lit up a bowl of Daughter's & Ryan Ramback in a rusticated Willard pot.
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Having a bowl of PS Luxury Navy Flake in my unfinished Savinelli Series III.
Tab, I fear your experience is what other clubs face, not enough new smokers to replace the departed.
Sneaked another bowl of the McClelland #2010 in a 1988 Barling sandblast taper billiard w/sterling band.
I wrote about this pipe when I bought it on eBay (~$95) a couple of years ago. Apologies, can't find the pictures I had and used in that post. Huge billiard with hand-cut cumberland type vulcanite bit. The band is L&JS (Les Wood - Ferndown). I have questions about whether this pipe was made at Ashton or Ferndown but no question that it was turned by Frank Lincoln as top pipe craftsmen's work is like a thumbprint and he worked with both companies after he was made 'redundant' in the early 1980s when Dunhill purged their remaining established (and best) craftsmen like Bill Taylor, Ken Lowe, Bernie Knighton and Frank Lincoln who was one of the most accomplished bowl turners I've ever encountered.
I sent pictures to Dave Field who said that Ashton (Bill Taylor) never made pipes under the Barling name but Dave mentioned that Bill wasn't always forthcoming with some of his business dealings. 1988 would put this pipe just before Ferndowns started to appear in numbers and the band was theirs. Both had access to and used cumberland rod vulcanite. Not sure when but Frank and Billy have both passed. Perhaps one day I'll run into Les and he might be able to shed some light but I'm content with a pipe that I think of as a Frank Lincoln Barling that is essentially a giant Dunhill in pedigree and practice. Most impressive, huge and beautifully proportioned pipe that's special and ironic that it has the best qualities of Dunhill, marked as Barling and a throwback 30 years to the latter's quality.
Savoring F&T Blackjack in my sweet smoking Luciano squat bulldog. Blackjack is an untopped ready rubbed Virginia. Just good plain tobacco of superb quality.
I'm going to have to try some F&T blends as much as you mention them. I believe I will have to sneak a tin in on my next order.
Tonight I was in the mood for a kick in the pants, so I'm smoking a bowl of Sam Gawith Brown No. 4 Kendal Twist in a bent Molina.
Great tasting strong tobacco that will give you the hiccups if you smoke too fast or have a large bowl of it.
Had several bowls of Dunbar over the weekend while brewing beer, sitting around the firepit and roasting hotdogs, and just hanging out. Used everything from a cob to a lovely Barling I received from @NeverBend .
Good weekend.
Had a couple bowls of Red Rapp over the weekend. One was in a ratty old cob, the other was in a black, bent sandblast that I got from @NeverBend a while back. The tobacco tasted better in the sandblast, imo. The citrus was muted a bit in the cob.
2000 Rattray's Black Mallory in a Comoy Extraordinaire sandblast saddle billiard with spring water and a touch of Gekkikan Sake.
Gekkikan is cheap sake and my choice for cleaning between smokes but sometimes, cuz sake's so good, I sample it to make sure it hasn't turned into vinegar. :)
@EmperorZurg and @BrySCGuy, glad you're getting use out of those pipes and I owe you, haven't forgotten but need to let the personal paralysis ease, haven't sent anything to anyone in well over a year.
OGS in a baranccini poker. Love this stuff