LOL, just an iPhone. I am no artist.
Printable View
Hi Jack and George.
Thanks for your replies and assistance. I use a Canon digi and upload pics through a media reader to a desktop PC and my Chrome (Google) account. In the past I was able to cut/paste to start a thread and sometimes I into a post (there was a difference). Getting the pics from Chromebook was nigh impossible.
I was uploading pics with the Forum utility that makes a thumbnail but it started by limiting me to three pics, the two and now nothing, just an exclamation point. When I try to cut and paste it just sjips a space and nothing either. It's embarrassing to admit that I made my living as a programmer.
You guys take better pics than I do anyway but it's been frustrating.
Next bowl will continue my exploration of the just received 2015 Gawith Hoggarth Mixture #12 but the utensil is still to be determined.
If you know the URL to the direct link that your picture is hosted, you only need add the IMG html tags. It would look like this (minus the spaces):
[ IMG][ /IMG]
Carter Hall in a no name pipe.
The SWR jar was within easy reach, so I fired up the CG Forever and poured another Genny. :beerchug: Getting ready to run the women's free skate from the World Championships. Exhibition figure skating is an abomination, but competitive skating is fun!
Hmm...that went fast. Another Genny and a bigger pipe with some BBF. NOW I can watch some skating!
Not far from finishing this bowl of MacBaren HH Bold Kentucky in a small 1982 three quarter bend meer with a smiling turbaned Turk's head.
I say, I love @freestoke new avatar. It just fits.
Prince Albert in a Grabow Savoy
C&D Oak Alley in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2000 Winslow C silver spigot wide top Dublin with a canted plateau and black acrylic stem.