Getting reacquainted with my long-lost friend, F&T Blackjack. Just plain untopped Virginia, but some F&T magic makes it oh, so tasty. A UPS delivery will leave ten more tins of this stuff on my doorstep today.
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Getting reacquainted with my long-lost friend, F&T Blackjack. Just plain untopped Virginia, but some F&T magic makes it oh, so tasty. A UPS delivery will leave ten more tins of this stuff on my doorstep today.
Started earlier with a quick bowl of Captain Black original in my Middletonian
followed up with Frog Morton Cellar in my Tally-Ho
Now loading a Bowl of Mystery Mix#9 in my Yello-Bole Nova Brylon Bulldog
I haven't smoked a pipe for some time - been on a cigar bender the past couple months. But a BOTL friend visited the Nat Sherman store in NYC while on vaca last week, and brought me back some NS 536 (English). We like. As this is a new one for me, I'll put a review in the review section shortly.
Update: here's the review.
I'm contemplating the wonders of the Universe with
EGR in my 1050's Monterrey
I'm A-Bing two Solani ready rubbed Latakia mixtures: 779, English Luxury Mixture, and 763, White & Black.
779: Virginia, Syrian Latakia, and Oriental. Mostly rubbed out.
763: Virginia, Syrian Latakia, and Black Cavendish. Partially rubbed out, but more chunks than the 779.
Both are tasty, and a nice change up for a mostly Virginia/VaPer guy like me, but after one A-B cycle, I'm liking the 763 better. The Black Cavendish gives it a very mellow flavor. English Cavendish, I think, as there's no vanilla or berry flavoring.
But I'll do several more A-B tests before declaring a winner.
Sam Gawith Navy Flake in my London made Ben Wade apple.
For the last couple of days I've been smoking many bowls of Christmas Cheer 2016, G&H Sweet Coconut Twist, and my burley flake in various pipes. I've been working on putting some of my pipes up for sale on Ebay the last few days.
G&H Rum Flake in a Comoy's Tawny Saddle billiard.
Happy fourth!
H&H Daybreak in my Dunhill canted Dublin
Having a mini-meerful of C&D Epiphany. Good stuff!