Puffing Dunhill DLNR. And yes, my tin is marked DE LUXE NAVY ROLLS, rather than just NAVY ROLLS, as appears on newer tins. This stuff is indeed nobel tobacco.
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Puffing Dunhill DLNR. And yes, my tin is marked DE LUXE NAVY ROLLS, rather than just NAVY ROLLS, as appears on newer tins. This stuff is indeed nobel tobacco.
A bowl of AJ's Vaper from 2015 in a Savinelli Roma 626.
Delicious. Smooth, sweet, peppery; with a great mouthfeel.
Frog Morton Cellar in my Comoy's 187 Pebble Grain......
I'm having a bowl of C&D Poplar Camp in a Yello-bole billiard with a Bing Crosby length stem. The stem is a little loose and I'm hoping that smoking it some will tighten it up somewhat.
A-B-ing two vapers: Dunhill DLNR and Wessex Classic Virginia. The DLNR is nobel, but the Wessex is holding its own.
Thanks, I started to clear off a place on my desk and left the cords there to hold the pipe up. Thanks for the beeswax tip; I put some on before smoking and it helped some. The stem fit has tightened up considerably after smoking it. The heat and moisture swells the briar wood a little bit and makes the fitting tighter. I don't know when this pipe was smoked last; I got it on Ebay. The stem was so loose that the bowl would fall off if you tipped it just so.
The Poplar Camp is definitely worthy of smoking some more. After the initial lighting and down about 1/4 bowl it became very enjoyable. I don't know whether the wankiness of the first part of the bowl was due to the tobacco or the pipe. The pipe may have had a ghost. I need to smoke a few more bowls before I can give a fair review of the tobacco.
Just opened my second tin of Solani 779, English Luxury Mixture. This stuff is pretty darned good.
This weekend it was all G&H Rum Flake and SG Chocolate Flake in the big ol' MM General: one bowl a day. I actually started liking the Rum Flake better for this... even though it's second in line between the two for flavor, it burns better and leaves less moisture at the bottom of this tall bowl. Still, either one offers hours of smoking enjoyment in this big-arse pipe.