Now *that's* a rotation! good variety.
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I added a pinch of McClelland 5105 & 2035 to some 1.5 year aged AJ's Vaper, and am smoking in a Transition Battling 5574.
Pretty nice!
Just got back from the Knoxville Pipe Club meeting. Seven of us showed up. We're fortunat to have two members who are pipe makers and one which is a very good pipe repairman. I bought a pipe from one of them tonight and the other one showed me the Canadian that he is making for me. I don't need any more pipes but these have a personal touch and will mean a lot to me. So I am thinning the herd a bit and am offering some of my other pipes on ebay.
Tonight I had a bowl of DPE (David P. Ehrlich) in a Group 5 Dunhill Bent Brandy Bruyere. This is a very tasty mild English; several of us smoked it and liked it.
Followed by a bowl of McClelland Yenice Agonya in a group 4 bent billiard Dunhill Shell. This is one of their Grand Orientals series. This was a very interesting and enjoyable smoke - very different and exotic.
And finally a bowl of Solani White & Black 763 in a straight billiard Dunhill Shell. I liked this after I let it dry a little bit - right out of the tin it was nippy and hard to keep lit.
McClelland Red and Black in my unfinished Savinelli Series III.
I ought to try the Solani White & Black. Every Solani tobacco that I've tried has been excellent, except for the Tropical Mango Flake, which was horrible. But then I'm not an aromatic fan.
Edit: I now regret tossing the Tropical Mango Flake after one fill. A mixture of 80% DF and 20% TMF might've been interesting.
Having an early morning smoke of 2016 Christmas Cheer! A pipe club member gave me a whole tin of it Wednesday night for no good reason!
Happily puffing Wessex Classic Virginia. This is very fine tobacco. Unflavored, except for a touch of Perique.
Peterson University Flake in a Shannon
Was in a Latakia mood tonight so I cracked open a tin of GL Pease Quite Nights and tried it for the first time.
I only have the one bowl to go on, but it was really good.
If you like Penzance but can't find it, try Quite Nights. Very similar and readily available.