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Had a few more cobfuls of Haebar VaPer over the course of the day. Helped ease my troubled mind - I took the day off to drop a very large dead tree, but had a few problems. First the danged thing wanted to fall the wrong way, toward the deck/house, and meanwhile trapped the bar of my saw. So I put a rope on it and persuaded it to fall in the right direction, more or less, with a ratchet strap aka come-along. After a round or two of axing and tugging, it started to fall but came to rest against another tall tree, and the saw is still trapped. At least it's stable now. I called a professional to take a look at it tomorrow. Hope he doesn't skin me alive :(
While the tree was still standing precariously, a lady walking her dog on the trail adjacent to our yard and wanted to chat (a guy working in the yard always wants to chat, doesn't he?). I strongly suggested that she move along and get out of the tree's radius, and it took a few tries with increasing vehemence. Now she probably thinks I'm an unfriendly jerk, oh well, could be worse :)