Finishing the day with a fill of 2+ yo Capstan Medium. Soft and tasty.
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Finishing the day with a fill of 2+ yo Capstan Medium. Soft and tasty.
Smoking another bowl of IRC Slices, this time rubbed out. Rubbing out this flake makes a world of difference; it's easier to keep lit, it tastes sweeter, and you can taste the Perique.
Just finished an excellent early morning smoke in a Dr. Grabow Royal Duke billiard. Smoked some of a blend that a guy in our pipe club made - tastes like Prince Albert with some Virginia and a little Latakia.
I'm headed out with a healthy dose of Solani-ABF in my apple meer. Only one week left for MMM on the other spot I frequent, in the past 3 weeks this girl has had 90 smokes go through here. By the end of the "event" (it's less an event and more just for fun sake) I should be around the 110 smokes through her. Then it's time for a re wax and a week or so rest to regain her strength. In fact I was out cleaning some of my briars & cobs yesterday getting them ready to be back in rotation. They got a good Everclear scrubbing in the shanks and stems, still need to ream a couple and do a light carnauba buffing.
This was the scene yesterday as I smoked a Partagas 1845 Extra Oscuro
Also doing some resto work on a Kaywoodie white briar, Baraccini dublin and Kaywoodie flame grain (not shown in the pic)
Just got home from work.
Fired up a bowl of Dunhill Navy Rolls to go with this larger than normal glass of Scotch.
Because eff this week.
Rattray's Black Mallory in a Redonian army-mount billiard
A new blend (for me) from Ole Shenandoah Appalachian Berry. I didn't think I was going to like it at first. I have to admit though, this was surprisingly tasty. It was a quick trip to the store so I didn't feel like digging for my Dagner Poker. Instead I used a small cob.
BTW, Howdy everyone! First post, so yea, I'm the FNG aboard this vessel. Salue!
Half bowl of Margate this morning.