Currently smoking 3 10# boston butts, for a church mens' outing in a couple weeks:
& simultaneously smoking some homemade flake in a billiard nosewarmer. The flake is mostly cigar scraps, plus some fire-cured dark air, imzur, cavendish, and "Tobias' Surprise," a blend that our friend @tobias_lutz sent me a couple years ago.
I've been smoking a blend someone on ebay sent me when they sent a pipe. He sent almost 2 ounces as a gift with the purchase. I asked him later what was in it but he only said that it was something he threw together. I know it's got some latakia, Virginia and burley. Smoked it in a Savinelli Silver billiard.
C&D Bayou Night in a MM cob
Robert McConnell Oriental in a Dr. Grabow Berwyck.
H&H White Knight in a Kaywoodie....
PS Luxury Bullseye Flake in an unfinished Savinelli series III.
Some FMCellar, then H&H Anniv. Kake, and finally some Solani ABF
Finally had a chance to smoke some of the home made Navy Cake
sent to me.
It is good stuff. I can't wait to see how it develops with a bit of age!
Thank you for sharing, Tab!
Headed out for some OGS:)
I had some Rattray's Marlin Flake in a sandblast Savinelli 114KS on my lunchbreak.
Still got about half a bowl left, so I'll finish it up when I get home this evening.
I forget how good Marlin Flake is. Great stuff.