Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
Haha! I guess you are! 7 bucks for 50g isn't bad at all for tinned tobak... ya cheapskate! :p
My bulk purchases are usually Gawith Hoggarth or Sam Gawith; usually over (or well over) $50 per pound. (However, Peter Stokkebye and Newminster both make Va flakes that are delicious with a little age on them so I'll swing to the cheaper end if it's good.)
Digressing here but the way I see it, tobacco (as well as things like beer, bacon, corned beef hash, sausage, etc) are at best, unnecessary and really aren't even good for you. Therefore if I'm going to enjoy them I'll make sure I REALLY enjoy them. (and usually in moderation if only because of the price) I don't buy lousy bacon, I don't buy mediocre tobacco, and I don't drink Budweiser... :D