Having a bowl of homemade Navy Flake made by @Bruck . Smoking it in a Sunrise Dublin smooth. This is some fine-smoking tobacco. Thanks Bruck!
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Having a bowl of homemade Navy Flake made by @Bruck . Smoking it in a Sunrise Dublin smooth. This is some fine-smoking tobacco. Thanks Bruck!
Had some Drew Estate Gatsby Luxury Flake in an old Dr. Grabow Berwyck at lunch.
This is an underrated Virginia blend. Reminds me of a stronger flavored OGS.
Work sucks today.
I've had a bowl of an untasted unicorn, Germain's Brown Flake, sitting in my drawer all day, waiting for a break.
Nope. Half the freaking internet of the country goes out today. Nice.
At least it is nearing 5! I'll smoke it at home, with a (few) beer(s)!
Aged Burley Flake in my oldest, well-smokedest MM legend with Lucite stem. relaxing, easy going combo.
PS Cube Cut in my only briar.
Tried some esoterica margate tonight courtesy of @Bruck . I think this is my favorite of the very few I've tried so far. I think I got the bowl packed better this time cause I had a much better smoke. Didn't feel like I was fighting it the whole time just got to sit back and enjoy it for the most part.