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Here in northern California we've been in a drought for 5 years. Trees have died from lack of rain, lawns turned brown because there was no water, rivers dried up, lakes became mud holes. But, you could go out and have a smoke nearly anytime you wanted without of fear of a rain out. No more. Biblical rains have been lashing Nor Cal for almost a month now and I'm sick of it. This afternoon, for the first time in a while, the sun shone, and I decided to go out on the deck and enjoy a leisurely bowl of Elizabethan Mixture in a MM General cob. Within ten minutes the sky turned dark and the heavens opened, chasing me back inside. Now certainly I realize that I'm being selfish and we really need all this rain, but for chrissake, can't we just get an hour or so between deluges? Rant over .....