A little puff of approx. 50/50 three sails and 5 Bros this evening. not bad!
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A little puff of approx. 50/50 three sails and 5 Bros this evening. not bad!
Hearth & Home Fusilier's Ration in a BBB Superfine lovat
A mix of Lane 1Q and Latakia - about 60/40. We likey.
Arggggg,,,Yep, thar's a pirate around here. Oh wait....wrong thread, and forum for that crap.
Any who, Had me a load of Golden Glow in a Meer and now I'm feeling silly, might be the rum and
coke though,,,,,
Puffing Solani 633, Virginia with Perique, in my elegant little group 2 Dunhill Liverpool with Bruyere finish. This tobacco has so much citrus that I think I'm getting my minimum daily requirement of vitamin C!
Sutliff Trafalgar in a BBB Superfine lovat
Been working on my stash of CB regular all day
For tonight I'm popping a tin of EGR in a Canted Dublin by Dunhill
and follow that with My first Cuban cigar that has been resting since
last Feb.
Happy New Year Cigar Bums
H&H Fusilier's Ration in the briar tonight.
Sent from here.
Had some more of my mixture of Lane 1Q and Latakia in a cob earlier today. Having a cigar now, as 2016 circles the drain.
First smoke of 2017 -- Solani 633, Virginia with Perique, in my venerable Kirsten Mariner. Such a good way to start the new year.
Happy New Year to all of you folks!