I had a great lunch today at Bristol Farms' buffet. Off-the-bird roast turkey, and two sides -- beef pot roast and BBQ pork. I like a balanced meal with all of the major food groups!
Now puffing Solani 656, Aged Burley Flake. This tin has only 8 months of age on it, but it's mild and very flavorful. And the flavor is unique -- radically different from any other tobacco in my experience. The tin note is also very distinctive.
First pipe in a few days, Captain Black Gold in a 1951 Monterrey. Thinking about
getting some work done around the house,,,,,,,,,,,Naaaa, I'm gonna smoke another
bowl and complain about the weather.
Kicking back with a bowl of Golden Glow in my Friar.
Got two fingers of scotch and momma's sipping a rum coco concoction.
Enjoying a bowl of Rattray's Hal o the Wynd on this fine Christmas morning.
I've got a few hours before heading across town to the parents house for Christmas dinner, so I'll spend it out here with a few pipes and some good baccy.
Merry Christmas to all of you fine folks!
After my once-a-week fill of long-aged FVF, I'm now enjoying Solani 656, Aged Burley Flake. And sipping a medium-roast arabica-robusta espresso.
Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake in a MM cob
Samuel Gawith Navy Flake from
@Cool Breeze
in a Dunhill bent brandy 5102.
Wessex Campaign in the cob tonight.
Sent from here.
Having a bowl of well-aged Prince Albert from
in a MM Country Gentleman.