Gentlemen! I hope everyone is well, and season's greetings!
After a bit of prodding by
I figured it was worth popping in to play catchup. I have been
busy; busier than I ever could have imagined. Smoking has taken a backseat to raising my now 7-month-old daughter, and dealing with a back injury hasn't helped, but I did manage to spend some time a few weeks ago in the smoking lounge/library of the club I belong to... I took my Parker Super Bruyere and a Polish-made beauty I picked up on eBay a year or so back and enjoyed some 1998 Capstan and 2003 Hamborger Veermaster.
I'm hosting a dinner party on New Year's Eve. My wife and daughter will be passed out by 9:30PM so I told my buddies that we'll head over to the club to end the evening with a smoke. Since we'll be full of roast lamb and egg nog (which has already been resting in the beer fridge for four weeks) I figure I'll need something like Royal Yacht to serve as dessert. I'll probably pull out the Stanwell HCA for the trip.
So, after leaving the tobacco business and after putting a cease-and-desist on new acquisitions due to a cellar already overflowing with more tobacco than I know what to do with, I haven't really paid attention to new blends. The bug, of course, is biting me and I probably won't be able to make it much beyond Spring before placing an order (hopefully by then I'll have more time to empty out a few more tins). I was hoping to get opinions on the following:
Dunhill Dark Flake
War Horse Bar
War Horse Green
GL Pease Regents Flake
Drucquer & Sons Blairgowrie