About a third left of this bowl of D&R Raccoon’s Accent in a medium bend raw sienna toned early Radice sandblast egg with bamboo carving on the shank and a black acrylic stem.
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About a third left of this bowl of D&R Raccoon’s Accent in a medium bend raw sienna toned early Radice sandblast egg with bamboo carving on the shank and a black acrylic stem.
Now smoking D&R VIP in a 2004 smooth long shank Canadian Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 with a black vulcanite stem.
SG Navy Flake in a MM Twain cobwarden
Jim's Va/Bur in a 2015 Basil Meadows Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica with a smooth straight thin shank, aluminum band and black ebonite stem.
On my 3rd cobful of Sutliff Medium English. A mellow burley/lat. We like :)
Just finished smoking Jim's Evolving Work Blend in a 2003 Stanwell Golden Danish 56 Rusticated Canadian with a black vulcanite stem.
Just finished smoking Lane Burley and Black in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a brown pearl acrylic stem.
Starting off the day with Stonehaven in a 1998 smooth medium bend Peterson Limerick 69 with a nickel band with a black vulcanite p-lip stem. A bottle of Sprite is my drink.
Not far from finishing this bowl of Stokkebye Natural Dutch Cavendish in a 1970s medium bend smooth Ben Wade Golden Walnut freehand with a black vulcanite stem.
YEA! I actually had time to smoke today! Granted, it was while I was cleaning out our side shed.
Bryan's shelf vaper blend
Dunhill 965
Bryan's shelf English blend.
I'm sore and want to sleep, but now we are off to a friend's house.