Puffing Solani 633, Virginia with Perique -- my favorite VaPer. Sipping dark-roast arabica coffee. And thinking about lunch, which will feature four eggs, over easy.
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Puffing Solani 633, Virginia with Perique -- my favorite VaPer. Sipping dark-roast arabica coffee. And thinking about lunch, which will feature four eggs, over easy.
MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian in a MM Legend, for a mid-morning snack.
Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture with an extra pinch of Perique added to it, in a MM Country Gentleman. Quite tasty.
Some Sugar Lands honey in my nose warmer......
Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake in a IL Monaco......
A bowl of LL ready rubbed. I appreciate the codger burley style more now than I used to, especially after smoking really strong blends for several days. This satisfies nicely, but doesn't leave me queasy. I prefer to err on the side of mild nic hit, than having to stop because I feel like I'm gonna hurl, which happens when I'm not careful with my favored C&D burleys etc.
McClelland Dark Star in a Comoys bent bulldog
You know, I just can't get into burleys much. I just don't care for the flavor... or lack thereof. Once in a while I'll get a craving for a bowl or two of PA or Velvet or PS cube cut, but then I'm good for 6 months or so.
I'm going for the mild nic-hit myself with a bowl of Sam Gawith; Chocolate Flake. When I feel like cheating death I head for the Va based ropes and twists :p :p :pipe: Funny how we all gravitate toward something different...
It's nowhere close.
There's not much in the line of chocolate flavor, there's zero lakeland perfume, it's darker and it smells sort of fruity with a touch of vinegar in the jar. To me it tastes like a dark pressed virginia (like dark star) but with some mysterious, 'deeper' flavor; which I assume is the chocolate topping... although it doesn't really taste like chocolate to me. At first light and for the first little bit of the bowl it has a bit of a tart flavor that I really like. Lately I've been rubbing it out a bit but leaving it rather chunky.