Now smoking Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 2002 smooth top, black sandblasted quarter bend Karl Erik Ekstravagant horn with a horn insert in the ferrule and black acrylic stem. A bottle of Sprite is my drink. Been busy catching up on e-mails.
half burley ribbon cut and half C&D yorktown. Gonna add some more yorktown till it's about 20% burley before I decide whether to mix a whole batch.
About a quarter of the way through this bowl of Rich Dark Flake in a straight sandblasted black billiard 2013 PSF POY Kaywoodie with an amber colored lucite stem. Getting various things done today.
Mac Baren Golden Extra in a MM Legend w/ lucite stem. First bowl, I quite like it and glad I've got a little stash of it.
Just finished smoking Old Dark Fired in a 1970s GBD Prehistoric Rhodesian 9438 with a perspex stem.
St. James Flake in a 1986 three quarter bend Bacchus face CAO meer with a dark amber colored acrylic stem.
Just finished smoking C&D Burley Flake #3 in a 1980s Peterson 314 Full Bend black Sandblast system pipe with a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
H&H White Knight in a Howal....
Balkan Sasieni in ..... what else? A MM Legend straight cob with a stubby gray swirl forever stem. Getting a little burned out on Latakia, next smoke might be my once a month aro. Been eyeing a new tin of C&D Corn Cob Pipe (and a button nose).
A quick bowl of Chatham Manor in a Brigham Brandy Pot.
I've decided that for the moment I'm too ignorant to build a wind turbine.
I'm gonna swing by walmart and get one of those twirlly things to entertain myself.
Ignorance isn't a bad thing, just a good excuse to visit the library.