A couple minutes away from smoking 2013 Capstan Gold in a very early Ascorti straight New Dear KS billiard with a smooth shank and a black acrylic stem.
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A couple minutes away from smoking 2013 Capstan Gold in a very early Ascorti straight New Dear KS billiard with a smooth shank and a black acrylic stem.
Sitting here looking at directions to build a wind turbine generator. I have an old 5000 watt
gen that the motor locked up, and I'm thinking I can build a verticle wind turbine. Being here
in Oklahoma we have plenty of wind, you know between Kansas to the north and Texas to the south.
Anyway, I'm just finishing a bowl of Dunhill Flake, and feeling a lot smarter than I am.
Cheers and Beers Boys,,,,,,,,,Wait I still have SCOTCH !!
Drucquer & Sons Inns of Court in a 1975 three quarter bend black Dunhill Shell 52021 with a black vulcanite stem.
Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania War Horse Ready Cut in a 2015 smooth unfinished Savinelli 320KS author with a black vulcanite stem.
Almost finished smoking Peretti’s Thanksgiving Blend in a sienna toned slightly etched 1979 signed Rossi 1886 Visconte 245 Oom Paul with a ring around the middle of the shank and an amber acrylic stem.
Angler's Dream in a slight bend 1984 Stanwell Antique 124 grain etched with a smooth front with a black vulcanite stem.
Heine's Blend in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem.
Last night, had some Bryan's English Shelf Blend in a Savinelli Trevi 320 while sitting around the fire pit.
I kinda looked into that because it sounded fun to build a wind turbine. I was going to do it out of cut in half 55 gallon drums. The trouble with any of it is that if you have an AC generator, you have to somehow regulate the RPM to a constant 3600 for a 2 pole generator or 1800 for a 4 pole generator because that's where the 60hz frequency of the AC comes from... then, assuming you could accomplish that, as soon as the wind dies down your power goes away. Sounds like a PIA to me. Then you have the option of generating DC and using a bank of batteries and an inverter. That will give you reserve capacity plus 60hz but the cost of maintaining batteries and electronics far outweighs the meager value of the electricity you'd get from the thing. I still might build the contraption some day but instead of turning a generator, I think I'll hook it up to a cam and drive a well that keeps a big-ass stock tank full of water for the critters.
Drying out another flake of PS LNF.
I've got a tab opened up to Smokingpipes... trying to talk myself out of ordering a couple 24oz blocks of this stuff. I have plenty of pipe weed stored away... but then again, this is sure good tobacco... but I probably have more tobacco than I will ever smoke already... but then I keep hearing that 'all roads lead to Virginia'... but the money could be better spent on something else... but then this sure is a good price on tobacco...
Almost finished smoking Jim’s A Blend in a three quarter bend smooth 1985 Dunhill Chestnut 5202 with a cumberland stem.