H&H Anniversary Kake in a virgin MM General. This is one tall bowl and will probably take me until the start of the of the Red Sox / Indians game to finish.
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H&H Anniversary Kake in a virgin MM General. This is one tall bowl and will probably take me until the start of the of the Red Sox / Indians game to finish.
Half way through this bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter with a black vulcanite stem.
Special Latakia Flake in a 1990s smooth Peterson Captain Pete XL80 bulldog with a black vulcanite stem and p-lip.
Outman Cigars Spiced Rum in a 1979 smooth natural signed Rossi 1886 OomPaul 124 with an amber acrylic stem.
Finished off all of the turkey and pie with a bowl of Golden Days of Yore in a straight billiard Kleenest Delux
Alexander Bridge in a Bruce Peters bench made pot @Tobias Lutz sent this blend to me awhile back,
not sure how long he cellared it but with about 8 months in a jar it's aged nicely,really tasty!!
The last of my stash of Condor Ready Rubbed in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer with a black acrylic stem. Ice water and floaty widdle icebergs is my evening drink.
C&D Billy Budd in a Grabow Savoy
FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author.
He did two blends for me and one of four for the group that I wanted a pound each of. (I think it was C blend.) We were going to perfect the customs and roll them out when tragedy struck. I think he was going to have a tasting in the group and the winner would receive a Barling from his collection. I recall being worried Chico's blend was a shade more approachable than mine. He called me and I convinced him he didn't owe us anything and he should take time to celebrate his wife's recovery and to take care of his granddaughter. And mourn his son. He said he would be back and that's good enough for me, I loved that guy...
@NeverBend , wherever you are...