Two more than me, though. Gotta smoke something else...right now! Just noticed a hidden few ounces of Three Blind Moose, so I think I'll mix that with some Happy Bogie. Can't remember if this is a good or bad thing. We'll soon know! :pipe:
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A homemade Balkan which includes Brown Bogie, in a Canterbury lovat
Exhausted Rooster in a black 1980 sandblasted Peterson Premiere 01 medium bend apple.
Oriental Blend in a no name
Halfway through a bowl of FVF in a straight Nording.
H&H Chestnut in a Canterbury lovat
Orlik Golden Sliced in a MM cob.
FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author.
Sutliff Voodoo Queen in a Hickok Premiere straight bulldog
After 4 straight bowls of Carter Hall my palate was ready for a change, so it's Edward G Robinson Pipe Blend in a MM Legend.