We had the Knoxville Pipe Club meeting last night. I had a bowl of Kendal Kentucky in a Sunrise Dublin and a bowl of 12 year-old Pembroke in a Hendon billiard.
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We had the Knoxville Pipe Club meeting last night. I had a bowl of Kendal Kentucky in a Sunrise Dublin and a bowl of 12 year-old Pembroke in a Hendon billiard.
Congrats on great-grandfatherhood Pugsley! Hope you score some Three Nuns!
Lunch break smoke.
Match Revelation in a cob.
We'll see if ol Einstein had good taste in pipe baccy. :pipe:
Puffing mundane, but delicious, Dunhill Flake. And listening to the Blue Angels. I don't have to strain my ears. My home is five miles west of Miramar Marine Air Station, and the Angels are practicing for their air show this weekend. They're often right over my home as they turn for a pass over the base – and put the throttle to the metal. It's LOUD – and I love it! I can step out my door and watch.
The Angels are awesome. As they bank, in tight formation, the sun glints off all of their wings at the same instant.
Amazingly, these guys don't wear g-suits. Reason being that the automatic inflation control could disrupt their position in their very tight formation. Instead, the pilots have developed the ability to tense their leg and abdominal muscles to prevent blackout resulting from blood drainage.
Wonderful to see – and hear. Of course, some protest the noise – even though the base, and the annual airshow, was here long before they were.
I'm really enjoying this first ever bowl of Solani Aged Burley Flake.
Very nice.
Congrats !!Warren @Pugsley . If it helps I'm smoking a bowl of 3 nuns now just for you.Course,it's your fault if I get hooked on it,
Lol,Pretty good stuff right there ! I've been thinking on my Grandfather on my mom's side.We got into a closet that has been
closed off for over ten-fifteen years,and I came across a grey Fedora.Now I have a drak grey Fedora and a brown Royal
Stetson Fedora that I wear in cooler temperatures.So I was kidding with my BIL about stealing the one we found in that
closet.Turns out that hat was my Grandfathers,and my Sister gave it to me.So,after work I promptly doffed "my" hat went to
get gas in the car and then Lowes,everybody kept smiling and nodding to me.And not in a sarcastic "your retarded" way.
It was like everyone shared that thought of days gone by.It was kind of nice.I can't say Grampa ever smoked anything,
cept my hide the day I was late getting back and we missed church,yeah,I had that one coming.But having his hat is almost
stepping back in time.So in Honor of you and all the rest of us Gramps,I am going to light up another bowl of Three Nun.
Thanks Warren !!!
Having some homemade flake in a no-name briar. This batch is a "navy" blend that I pressed about a year and a half ago.
Second mug of coffee and first pipe of the day, Elizabethan Mixture in a MM Diplomat. Need to check my inventory to make sure I have back up tins of this, definitely one I don't want to run out of. If you enjoy Va/Pers and haven't tried this yet, you owe it to yourself to pick up a tin. Dunhill hits it out of the park with this blend.