Listing this a couple minutes early: HU Anniversary in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl. This is the last of the sample.
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Listing this a couple minutes early: HU Anniversary in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl. This is the last of the sample.
Just finishing this bowl of Old Dark Fired in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite stem.
Orlik Racing Green in a 2003 smooth medium bend Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville with a sterling silver band and black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Wife has a new job and is off to work,son left just a bit ago to work,and I'm OFF !!! HAHAHA
Starting with Captain Black (w) in a Frank Medico carved briar.
THIS IS A GOOD DAY:pipe::stogie::pipe:
Half way through this bowl of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed in a 2002 smooth top, black sandblasted quarter bend Karl Erik Ekstravagant horn with a horn insert in the ferrule and black acrylic stem. Ice tea and bergs is my drink on another hot and humid day.
Just opened another tin of Solani 633, "Virginia with Perique". This stuff is soooo tasty!
Just finished smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1976 black rough carved Pioneer Meerschaum Oom Paul with a brown acrylic stem. Floyd Norwood fixed the tenon for me so I can smoke this old pipe again.
A third of the way through this bowl of Peter Heinrichs Nr. 35 in a 2004 smooth long stem Canadian Trever Talbot Ligne Bretagne Faite en Bretagne 4/3 with a black vulcanite stem.
SPS Sunrise in a reconditioned Dr Grabow. Don't know if it was a Duke,Savoy,or Lark.When I got it
the stampings were unreadable.Now it's a Dr Grabow Mine !
GLP Regent’s Flake in a 1970s medium bend brown Caminetto 205 Business egg with a long black acrylic saddle stem.