Half way through this bowl of Sutliff Golden Age in a 1982 smooth straight Dunhill Root Briar 31051.
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Half way through this bowl of Sutliff Golden Age in a 1982 smooth straight Dunhill Root Briar 31051.
Listing this a few minutes early: Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 1982 smooth straight Sasieni Ivory 105 Apple.
GLP Sixpence in a Big Ben dublin. This and one more drink and I'll be off to bed.
Model Match in the first pipe Trever Talbot made when he went to France many years ago. It's a smooth straight Algerian briar Billiard bowl with a long Canadian stem, unbranded.
Been busy today already with various things, doing the important stuff, like smoking a bowl of Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem. Of course, it's important that I get another smoke, too! :D So, I'm going to smoke the last :crushed: of my stash of Stonehaven in a smooth 2002 medium bend eight sided panel top straight grain Rinaldo Collection Silver Line F Egea 05 Titania bulldog.
Enjoying a bowl of Alt. Planters Punch in a MM Country Gentleman
Two Friends Heritage in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer. Have just enough for a small bowl.
Hamborger Veermaster in a Wally Frank Rhodesian.
Back in the fifties, when Oklahoma still had prohibition, I had a girlfriend who thought a date was buying a bottle of Cutty Sark and sharing it. Oh well. during prohibition you will drink anything.
ERR match after lunch, nor back to the Royal Yacht, which sails much better than the Cutty Sark.
Edit: Cutty Sark with coke and a meatball Hotpocket! It is amazing you still have a stomach.
The last of my stash of Watch City Old Dominion in a 2001 smooth full bend St. Patrick's Day Peterson 03.