My wife asked me a question.....
This evening I am smoking a bowl of SG Navy Flake in my extra large Rossi Freehand.:pipe: I was looking thru my stash and came across the SG Navy Flake and while smoking it I told my wife how delicious it was, and she asked me why I don't smoke it more often. It had been nearly a year since I had last smoked it and her question took me off guard so I thought about it.:ask: Eventually I told her that I have so many choices of great tobacco that I would not be satisfied in simply smoking a favorite. It is interesting to me that I had talked to a friend living in Europe and he was complaining that he can only get Cuban cigars and his tobacco choices were so few.:shocked: I realized that here in the U.S. at the present time did allow me to obtain a wide variety of cigars and tobacco. My friend told me that he would trade places with me in a heartbeat. I immediately felt bad for him but happy for me that I have so many choices; for me it was "food for thought". I am topping off this smoke with an ice cold mug of "Guinness Draught" brew and I am in good spirits.:beerchug: