Angler's Dream in a slight bend 1984 Stanwell Antique 124 grain etched with a smooth front with a black vulcanite stem.
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Angler's Dream in a slight bend 1984 Stanwell Antique 124 grain etched with a smooth front with a black vulcanite stem.
Orlik Racing Green in a 1979 medium bend etch relief meerschaum lined TinderBox Arabesque with a black vulcanite stem.
Old Dark Fired in a smooth medium bend post-WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock Killarney 9BC with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite stem.
Almost half way through this bowl of Heine's Blend in the third pipe I ever bought ($1.95), a 1974 smooth straight French briar Hadley Apple with a black vulcanite stem.
Bayou Morning Flake in a cob seems appropriate.
Started my day with Captain Black original in a DG Grand Duke,
Had to go fix an automatic gate at work so I took a MM CG with a pouch of Pipa's Whiskey Cavendish,
Now I'm enjoying a quiet day and pulling on a chinese cob with SPS R-Blend
Today is turning out pretty good
SG FVF dated 2013 in a DG Duke with Folgers,,,,,,this is mighty TASTY smoke
G&H Sliced Black Twist in a small Savinelli. (Thanks @NeverBend for the sample) I wouldn't want to smoke this exclusively but it sure is good once in a while. Plenty strong enough to put hair on your chest.
Also tried some C&D Night Train a few days ago - surprisingly enough I liked it. Surprising because I usually prefer blends without burley but this was pretty good.
Smoking F&T Vintage in my PS Studio Lumberpot – Lumberman stem with pot-like bowl. It's the best-smoking conventional briar that I own.
Old Colonial in a medium bend beater 1979 Aalborg natural freehand made by Nording. A bottle of Sprite is my drink on this hot day.