D&R VIP in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth straight thin shank and stem with an aluminum band Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica. A bottle of Orange Nehi made with pure cane sugar is my drink.
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D&R VIP in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth straight thin shank and stem with an aluminum band Bing Crosby Merchant Service replica. A bottle of Orange Nehi made with pure cane sugar is my drink.
C&D Winchester in a 1984 three quarter bend medium brown Ascorti KS Business Dublin.
Not far from finishing this bowl of Jim's Evolving Work Blend in a 2003 Stanwell Golden Danish 56 Rusticated Canadian.
Now smoking a wonderfully tasty cigar from a good friend. I'd tell you more, but then I'd have to bury you in my Paladin Black Cherry farm.
C&D Small Batch “The Beast” in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl.
Esoterica Margate in a Wessex Billiard this afternoon!
Listing this a few minutes early: Smoker’s Pride Natural in my old reliable 1986 smooth Peterson Kildare 999 Rhodesian.
2003 MacBaren Golden Extra in a 1981 Ascorti Black Billiard Business with a military bit.
Keeping it simple after work.
Carter Hall in a MM Legend.
Haven't fired up the MM General in a while so I filled it with Esoterica Dorchester and applied fire.