Had several bowls of this and that this weekend, but my brain didn't want to retain what it was. Perhaps it's time to take my brain in and have it serviced. I do know that I had a bowl of PS Luxury Bullseye Flake in a Kaywoodie Flame Grain Meer last night......
Today, a Kaywoodie Relief Grain with some English Luxury.....
SPS Maple Street in a un-marked briar
A third of the way through this bowl of Vintage Edgeworth Slices in an old medium bend grain etched Preben Holm Ben Wade Prominence B freehand.
Stonehaven in a straight sandblasted black billiard 2013 PSF POY Kaywoodie with an amber colored lucite stem.
German made Howal with some Elizabethan Mixture......
HU Edward G. in a mid-late 1930s straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair. A bottle of Sprite is my drink.
2014 McClelland Holiday Spirit in a cob.
My Dr. G. Omega is filled with smouldering "Soo Blend" from Austen's in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Austen's is an antique furniture and other random just store with a decent-for-a-small-town humidor and selection of pipe tobacco. Not sure what the Soo Blend is, but the proprietor assured me that it was a custom blend for their store. Notwithstanding my disbelief, it's a cavendish-based aro with a hint of burley and a sort of plum/whisky flavoring. Not what I normally reach for, but not too bad overall. Burns well, stays lit even with slow smoking.
Smoked my old metal pipe (from 50's?) With a Santia cob bowl fitted for it, filled with my no named blend today for my hour ride home.
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Had a bowl of EGR in a black rusticated Friar with silver band
followed with a Felipe Dominican (cigar) both out on the porch
enjoying the early spring.