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    Royal Bum jrfoxx's Avatar
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    My first no relight bowl!

    After reading much advice about pipe smoking, to the point my head was swimming, I just followed some of what I think is some of the most important pieces and initially filled my bowl with 2/3 to half as much tobacco as I was previously, and not packing it in, plus using the tamper on my lighter very gently every couple hits, and had my first bowl that needed no relights!

    Pretty happy. It was a much more enjoyable experience, plus the tobacco had more flavor since I wasn't constantly scorching it with relights before every puff.

    I also removed the filter, as in my thinking, it was trapping the oils from the tobacco, which contain flavor, plus eventually, it would start getting clogged up with oils, tar, and ash/burnt tobacco bits, and impede the draw, if not eventually plug it.

    When this bowl was over and I tapped it into the ashtray, I had like a tenth of the ash and burnt tobacco, with no unburnt tobacco, than before, so obviously combustion was MUCH better with this one.

    Now that I know how to do just these 2 simple things, I expect much improved taste and general enjoyment from my bowls.

    Many thanks to everyone on here, and 2 other forums, for indulging my barrage of newbie questions and steering my in the right direction.

    I friggin love cigars

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  3. #2
    Royal Bum LazyLightning's Avatar
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    Great Sean!
    One piece of advice on tamping to keep the ember “moving” down the chamber. Take 1 or 2 quick sips as you tamp, you will know the ember is laying on the next layer of fresh tobacco, when the smoke output increases.

    Glad it was an enjoyable experience, and I hope it continues.

    Any question, please ask. If me or whoever doesn’t know, we will point you in the right direction 👍🏻👍🏻
    “Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.” - Jerry Garcia

    “If it's worth playing, it's worth playing loud!” - Mickey Hart

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    Royal Bum jrfoxx's Avatar
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    Appreciate the added advice. Makes a lot of sense, but hadn't thought or heard of that before

    I friggin love cigars

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