Bummin' Around
Pro tip: Do not...
...start watching a movie on your computer with a tin of C&D tobacco AND a can of Blue Diamond almonds on your desk. No questions, just don't do it.
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Bummin' Around
I smoke through a tin of almonds every other week. Tasty smoke IMO
It happens. If they were smokehouse almonds they even kinda smell like latakia!
Wow, Someone Knows Me
I hear ya! I tend to watch too many NetFlix shows when I need to be working, out here late in the shop! (Which encourages piping!)
I drink your milkshake

Originally Posted by
...start watching a movie on your computer with a tin of C&D tobacco AND a can of Blue Diamond almonds on your desk. No questions, just don't do it.
This shouldn't be a problem if you remember to keep the plastic lid on the tobacco.
Bummin' Around
Smoking almonds and munching on baccy. Fast times at Mooster high.
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How about a review on that? "a smoky, nutty almost almond flavor......"
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
How long did it take to rub out a bowl's worth of almonds?
or did you fold and stuff?
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