Sounds like vodka. I have buddy's that love Grey Goose. I swear it tastes like perfume to me. I'd rather rub it on something with curls in her hair....
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Stopped by a B&M yesterday for some pipe cleaners.
Also picked up a pack of AF minis.
I am still drowning in tobacco, but am running out of my favorite, MM Country Gentleman.
So I ordered 2 bags from SmokingPipes. It was backordered until yesterday, as coincidence would have it.
This is my first purchase of tobacco that I wanted to restock on, not just a blind guess.
A step forward in my pipe smoking career.
I bought a bunch of tins at the Pipe & Leaf; they have some great prices on tins. New Pipes, Pipe Tobacco, Cigars, and Smoking Accessories - Pipe & Leaf
I think I just scored a helluva deal on
I got this Savinelli Punto Oro for the whopping price of $50.00. That's not a stock photo, that the actual pipe.
The pics look good. It says there are dings around the rim, so I assume that's why it's so cheap. I bet she smokes like a champ.
Thursday when she gets here, I'll let you know how she does.
Anybody know when the SPC Miss. River label changed? I doubt this is an "older" tin. I figure inventory turns over pretty quickly for this. Maybe just using up old labels?
The Katerini is 2007
The Smyrna is 2014
The Syrian star is 2014
The price tag on the Golden Glow looks as old as the McClellands.
Good haul Bryan! Those are some excellent choices. That Sixpence is good stuff! Where did you buy?
Well it arrived today.
Still can't believe they let this gem go for only 50 bucks.
Savinelli Punto Oro. Not even the slightest sign of rim darkening. There's a little cake in the bowl but not very much at all. I doubt if 20 bowls have been smoked in this beauty.
Got some St. James Flake in it already. Bout to see how it is.
My latest P&C purchase. These were all still in my cart from over a month ago. They were kind of a wish list or stuff I wanted to go back and look at. I had completely forgot about them until I logged into my account the day before IPSD.