Thought this was pretty funky. Pigskin-wrapped, meerschaum-lined Dr. Hardy from at least 20 years ago. Unsmoked. Never seen anything quite like it. ~$40 shipped.
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Thought this was pretty funky. Pigskin-wrapped, meerschaum-lined Dr. Hardy from at least 20 years ago. Unsmoked. Never seen anything quite like it. ~$40 shipped.
Hi Warren,
Looks like a nice lot of pipes. The two on the right look like Alpha made (Israel) that were good values in the 1980s (perhaps when these guys are from). The one on the left (sandblast, full bent) appears to have a hallmark so you should be able to date that it you wish and this site might be helpful:
Please let us know how they smoke and when the hallmarked pipe was made (if you discover the date) and enjoy them.
I swear that I'm no longer bidding, I have PAD but it's under control but it wasn't as evidenced by close to 30 pipes waiting for restoration so you guys understand the depths of my sickness. Had to buy a car, had to stop the PAD. Done.
No more bids but on eBay some auctions last a week or more. I knew that I had bid on the Jacopo (below) but I completely forgot that I had a low 'place-holder' bid on this Barling and I'd forgotten about it until I got an email saying that I purchased it. Had to man up and pay for it, wait for the pipe, restore it and smoke it. PAD destroys. I like destruction but I promise that my PAD is under control from now on. Really, I do.
Yes, there is one other item that i will bid on but that's an excepton. No more PAD.$_57.JPG
Thanks. Dr. Hardy pipes used to be seconds for the Lorenzo factory. Apparently they stopped making Dr. Hardys in the mid-1990s from what I've read.
The leather- and pigskin-clad look was a fad in the 1960s and 1970s, but I'd be surprised if this one were that old. Most of those were brown-leather wrapped and usually made in France. I've never cared much for the brown leather wrapped ones, but this one is black and unlike any pipe I've ever seen. I was looking for a meerschaum-lined pipe and this was one of the least expensive new ones on ebay (the estate ones looked terrible).
I'm not even entirely sure if the wood is briar since the seller didn't describe it very thoroughly. Will have to see what it's like when it arrives.
Got this pipe stand and four pipes for under $25. Couldn't pass up at least one bid. Won with the one minimum bid.
Looking forward to restoring them.
This was the exception that I mentioned, and I'd have bought it even if I were destitute.
Savinelli Fitsall Reamer$_57.JPG
The rest of the lot is, literally, garbage but the Fitsall Reamer is an item has great meaning to me. I looked for one for so long that finally just stopped looking until last week when a kind gent pointed me towards this one on eBay..
I signed onto Puff forum in 2009 but I didn't stay long. When I returned in 2014 my first post was to ask if anyone knew where I could get one of these reamers and though no one knew anything about them, I did hang around long enough to meet @Branzig and @freestoke and I feel fortunate to have stayed to meet the rest of the good folks, now here on Cigar Bum.
Happens to be the best reamer I ever used and I've probably reamed over 1,000 pipes with one. I had two of them (if it's good - do it twice) but my former partner made off with them (that's the least of what he made off with) but it's like getting a little piece of myself back.
So I've come full circle here on Cigar Bum. Brandon, this is what I was looking for.
I don't have it yet, just shipped.
This is what the listing said.
It comes with 4 pipes the first says "Made in England", the second "Selected Imported Briar" the third "Made in London England" and the last is a "Kaywoodie Standard #01". I'm not sure of the brands of the first three, I know sometimes the words get worn off over the years, but they are in very good shape overall.
Lol! Me - duh!
Looks like the rims on all are in good shape, Kaywoodie very sharp.
Some info on Kaywoodie.
@MisterMoo might be able to give you some info on the Kaywoodie.
Just received this beautiful Briar Bird Fancy Tomato in the mail. I got it for a really good deal off someone and it seriously is gorgeous and feels great in the hand. I can't wait to smoke a bowl with it. Attachment 2019
Thanks for the info!
From a little "rootin' around" I think the Kaywoodie is probably from the 1940s-maybe 50s, base on the following statements:
Until late 1930's pipes were stamped with a 4 digit code. Later Kaywoodie will cancel the 2 first style/finish numbers keeping the 2 last shape numbers and the letter for variants.
Up until the late 1940's/early 50's, the logo was on top of the stem. After that the logo was moved to the side of the stem (exceptions exist).
(It could be as early as the late 30s, from some old ads I've seen.)
Not a pipe but a holster to strap onto my belt. will hold a cob or a clay. my briers are too large
I got it to go fishing , I guess it a good thing it only fits cobs & clays ,I'll leave the good pipes at home.
So, for a 1.04 bid and 5.95 shipping, I figured what the heck. Now to look around and decide what to do with it. Says it's ceramic with a meer liner.
Great deal George!
Looks like a Hilson Fantasia (there were knockoffs) that were Belgian made and sold for @$15-$20 in the late 1970s through early 1980s. I believe the outer material is a polymer, not ceramic (shouldn't get real hot like ceramic).
Now you have to let us know how it smokes, enjoy,
The three pipes I bought on Ebay earlier this week arrived today ........ in an envelope. I think you can guess the rest.
That's why I think ebay is the wild west of commerce. You're never 100% sure what you're going to get. And when you do get it, the numbskull may of shipped it in an envelope.
My favorite is one time I won an item at an outstanding, deal of century price. I paid and waited weeks for my item to show up. The seller later "regretted to inform me that the item I had won, had gone missing and was possible stolen. I regret telling you that I'll have to give you a refund."
Months later, low and behold, a very similar item showed up on ebay under his seller name. With a reserve of course.
Nice pipe Pete !!
I collect pocket change, dont like those shiny new coins, want history, got them from 1700's to today' day I noticed I had no peso's. so I sold WV farm dirt on ebay for PESO's only, I now have a shoe box full...watchin 2 pipe's right now a churchwarden long stem and British soldier black burr...
I've had this happen, it sucks, and I ALWAYS call the seller out on it and ask a friend to send a message or two as well. At least they need to be embarrassed. I'm bidding on a pipe (I know that I promised no more PAD but that promise was made in NY and this seller is in Texas), that was listed and sold a few weeks ago. When I contacted the seller he quickly replied that the buyer thought that it was a pre-transition Barlng (what else do I bid on) and that means that the buyer was a dweeb.
Harvey, pocket change from the 1700's? You look mahvelous for 300 years old.
Warren, so sorry to hear this, very disappointing.. What was damaged?
I recently bought a Family Era Barling (duh) Quaint with a RegNo on the stem. When it arrived the stem was broken despite the fact that the seller tried to pack it well (but the stem was under pressure). The seller was easy to work with and I hope that yours (seller is as ethical.
My wife was watching over my shoulder last night and this caught her eye,
Attachment 2200
A Dr Grabow Savoy
I should get it in about a week.
I've a Great Wife !!
Just a quick little purchase.
My Dr.Grabow "Savoy" came today and Saturday Sir @Pugsley gifted me with a nice little Randy Wiley that I will share pics of later.
Nice haul there Bryan.
A Wiley? Enjoy it and kudos to @Pugsley for his generosity.
Picked up a Savinelli Tignanello and Trevi in a trade. I'm liking the big, wide bowl of the author style.
Paid too much for it, but I was buying the nostalgia, not the pipe. As a young man living in Maine, before LL Bean reinvented itself as a urban hipster's clothing boutique, I spent many hours browsing the high end fishing gear and drooling over the natural wood Old Town canoes that I would never be able to own. I remember the creaky wooden floors and the aroma of pipe smoke and the stories and advice the salesmen would offer as they puffed on something aromatic. I would dream of piloting one of those beautiful canoes around Moosehead Lake and catching trout with one of the hand made fly rods that were displayed there, before leaving with my purchase of Eagle Claw hooks and a bottle of mosquito repellent.
Couple of Tins of Christmas Cheer 2014
500g. Box of G&H Bob's Chocolate Flake