BOOOOO BOOOOOOO I can't BOOOOOOOO this statement enough! :updown:
Just placed an order for some tins of Bengal Flake, SG's Cabbie's Mixture, and Lakeland Dark.
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Yes, from Larry the Tobacco Butcher. Good prices and he usually throws in a couple samples of other things.
I picked up cigar rolling a couple years ago - took a lesson at the Graycliff factory in Nassau (Bahamas) while on vacation there. Watched a number of videos on the subject after that. Then I picked up some leaves and started doing it. First couple dozen really sucked, but I gradually got the hang of it.
Tried some of the Louisiana this afternoon. Certainly a unique flavor - fruity/nutty, strong, a hint of cigarette tobacco flavor. Haven't decided if I like it or not yet - I was smoking outside in the wind, so that was distracting, and it had trouble staying lit. I dried it out, will try it again tomorrow.
Well I hate cilantro but I love black licorice :p. Never did like rose scent, I always thought it smelled like old ladies. Lakeland only tastes like soap to me when it's combined with latakia: isn't that strange? No latakia and it just tastes like perfume.
Had some more this p.m. after letting it dry out some. Not bad, still needed to be re-lit frequently. I didn't detect any kind of floral or perfume flavor. I'm not sure what the Lakeland taste is. Anyway, it was a strong perique, smooth, nutty, like a good VAPer I suppose.