Im havin trouble with the stems becomin loose an comin out of the pipe
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George, excellent answer.
Pros: Less stress on the shank, quick assembly, accurate alignment.
Cons: Misalignment is persistent.
Most screw tenons are also condensers (metal). Once out of alignment the screw thread remains that way unless repaired or (more likely) kludged. A small piece of masking tape on the threaded tenon may help.
If your question was, 'do they smoke better'? No, they'd smoke the same other than your preference regarding the metal condenser.
I don't think so; I think they are less desirable than push-pull stems. If they get overshot like they often do, it is a major hassle to get them back into adjustment. The exception to this are the drugstore pipes with the "Ajustomatic" stems where you can just keep turning the stem until it aligns properly (they are self-adjusting). The push-pull stems are much less hassle as long as you don't pull them out when the pipe is hot. If you pull them out when the pipe is hot you run the risk of cracking the shank. Even if you get away without cracking the shank, it makes the stem fit looser every time you do so.
This Blog entry might help ya @Lynn
Tightening a Loose Stem | rebornpipes
put super glue on it..pushed it in an pulled it out...let it dry an inserted nice an tight now..pulled it apart an reinserted works great...
I don't want to sound like a beggar, but someone send me some good noob tobacco to try. PM me your Paypal and I'll send some cash. I have a Short Snorter Nose Warmer pipe that I want to try...