Wow, a 12 oz. tub of Velvet! You hit the jackpot friend!
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I actually don't like Velvet. I gave away the last pouch of it I tried. I'll give them the option to take it back otherwise I'll figure out something to do with it. I thought it was entertaining that they were that far off on not only name of product but quantity as well.
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From P&C I ordered 3 stanwell that were priced at $19.99 with the limited gift code
From smoking pipes I got the following tins
4 Dunhill London Mixture
3 Dunhil BB1938
3 Dunhill Nightcap
2 Dunhill Ye Olde Signe
2 Dunhill Early Morning Pipe
And a bag of Penzance from a brother here on the bum.
This is my haul from the Knoxville Pipe Club White Elephant Christmas gift "exchange". I'd say I made out pretty well this year.
I also bought two pounds of McClelland's 5100 Red Cake at the local B&M.
I really like the Luciano squat bulldog that I bought recently, so this evening I bought a Ropp (France) squat bulldog. This one:
Ropp Vintage Stout Smooth Squat Bulldog | Buy Ropp Tobacco Pipes at Smokingpipes
This pipe has a horn bit. Does anyone have any experience with horn? Maintenance tips? I hope that it doesn’t oxidize, like vulcanite.
Edit: I also bought five tins of Solani 779, English Luxury Mixture, 'cuz I like it, and l needed some to make the free shipping threshold.
I have not ordered much of anything in a long time. Sucks being a broke ass college student. Fortunately, I have a fairly substantial stockpile of tobacco. Did go out and buy a couple cigars last week. Picked up my first humidor too. They were clearancing it for $20. Couldn't turn that one down.
Hi Doug,
Sharp looking pipe.
I doubt that you'll have the problems that I've seen with some horn stems that can be eaten away by bacteria from saliva (looks like moth holes) that render the stem unusable. I've only seen this on old pieces that weren't well finished/sealed. Good idea to clean off saliva residue in any case. Enjoy it!
Thanks for that info Pete. It’s my habit to smoke only one pipe on any given day. At the end of the day I clean it thoroughly, and that includes cleaning the bit in detergent water, and running a detergent-soaked pipe cleaner through it. That ought to take care of the “bacteria from saliva” issue. I’m glad to know that horn doesn’t oxidize.