Gaslight is definitely on my short list to try. It will find its way into an order soon. :pipe:
There are several GL Pease blends I'd like to try. The only one I've had is Abingdon, which I did enjoy.
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First of all, good luck on the LSAT score!
Re Penzance, y'all are making me feel guilty - There's a B&M in Charlottesville, VA who often has it in stock. I get down there for business once in a while, and pick up a few ounces when I can. I think the owner is now realizing how rare it is, and how lucky he is to be on Esoterica's distribution - every time I go there it's about $2 more per ounce :)
A small tobacco order for me.
I'm out of Peterson Irish Flake so I picked some up. Also trying some SG Skiff Mixture. Haven't tried it and I like Oriental forward English blends so thought I'd give it a shot.
Picked up a few more ounces of Penzance :)
Picked up some McClelland St. James Woods, Dark Star, and Blackwoods Flake last week, with the 20% CI discount.
Picked up four 10 packs (Padilla, PDR, and Nica Libre) during CI's 10 pack with free 20$ gift card deal a while ago. I planned on spending about 100$ on D&R tobaccos anyway, so the cigars ended up basically being free.
With this whole FDA debacle, I'm planning on a few hundred dollars dropped on C&D bulks, figuring it'll be as good a time as any in smokingpipes runs a sale on C&D bulk in the next few months. If not, I may go through mars cigars (29$ a pound for C&D) and grab some cobs from them while I'm at it.
Looks like no G&H purchases for me, since I'd rather have 2x as much C&D for only a little more $. Too bad, I like G&H but I can't convince myself that I need anything more than a few ounces of ennerdale for posterity.
I think I must be the only guy in the tobacco community who isn't that worried about the FDA. I think government will do what government does, prolong and drag this out for years to come. If not, I guess I will have poop on my face. :lol:
You really can't go wrong with either G&H or C&D IMO. But I think the correct answer is really to buy them both myself :thumb:
Plus, if I had to lose one of those two, I'd have to drop the C&D. G&H are producing what I consider the best tobaccos in the world right now :piper:
I guess it was Pease who said something to the effect of "tobacco isn't going to get any cheaper". I'd rather lock in my price at 26 bucks a pound for C&D during smokingpipes sale, and get that stuff aging anyway!
I *love* G&H, don't get me wrong. But what a choice. I love, love, love C&D/Runowksi Burleys though. Pegasus is a desert island blend, and haunted bookshop is one of my all time favorite strong smokes. And so many others. If G&H didn't cost twice as much, it would change things a bit though. I do like C&D's less refined style, also, which is hit or miss taste wise for people.