Ridin' in a BoxCar
Peterson Sherlock Holmes Tobacco
I have here a tin (now jarred) of Peterson Sherlock Holmes that is from 1998 or before according to the person I got it from. AFTER buying the tin it was realized that the lid had been compromised and the seller instantly refunded and told me to just keep the tobacco instead of refunding it. It has now since been slowly re-hydrated and ready to be smoked. I have read a bunch of reviews and my take is either people like it or don't. Not much of in between smokers on this one. From the reviews I get the feeling that years ago it may have been better than current production. Any ideas?
Bummin' Around
Smoke it and write your own review.
"Just because the road stops, doesn't mean you have to!"
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Bummin' Around
Mmmm..I cant think of any reason it would be better or worse, at least not any sign that would make me think one way or the other.
All you can do is try it. I'm curious what you think about it though so report back!

Originally Posted by
I have here a tin (now jarred) of Peterson Sherlock Holmes that is from 1998 or before according to the person I got it from. AFTER buying the tin it was realized that the lid had been compromised and the seller instantly refunded and told me to just keep the tobacco instead of refunding it. It has now since been slowly re-hydrated and ready to be smoked. I have read a bunch of reviews and my take is either people like it or don't. Not much of in between smokers on this one. From the reviews I get the feeling that years ago it may have been better than current production. Any ideas?
Wait, I'm confused.
So the tobacco has been left unsealed since 1998? It wasn't all sawdust by the time you got it? lol
BTW, I am going to smoke the McClelland Va tonight and I'll let ya know what I think of it.
Ridin' in a BoxCar

Originally Posted by
Wait, I'm confused.
So the tobacco has been left unsealed since 1998? It wasn't all sawdust by the time you got it? lol
BTW, I am going to smoke the McClelland Va tonight and I'll let ya know what I think of it.
No, the lid wasn't open since 1998 but sometime not long before I purchased it, it had been opened. It was from the cellar of a gentleman who had passed and sold for his widow. Being it was sold as new & sealed and had been opened and sampled, it was a complete refund. It wasn't 100% dried out dust, but getting crispy. A few of the little humidification pucks and several weeks of time, and it is as close to as fresh as it will ever be.

Originally Posted by
No, the lid wasn't open since 1998 but sometime not long before I purchased it, it had been opened. It was from the cellar of a gentleman who had passed and sold for his widow. Being it was sold as new & sealed and had been opened and sampled, it was a complete refund. It wasn't 100% dried out dust, but getting crispy. A few of the little humidification pucks and several weeks of time, and it is as close to as fresh as it will ever be.
Ok, I follow ya now.
I looked up the reviews after reading this thread and I agree that it seems to be a very polarizing blend indeed. Very love it or hate it.
Much of the oils have probably evaporated from it, but I'd still light it up and give it a go! Let us know what you think!
Bummin' Around

Originally Posted by
Ok, I follow ya now.
I looked up the reviews after reading this thread and I agree that it seems to be a very polarizing blend indeed. Very love it or hate it.
Much of the oils have probably evaporated from it, but I'd still light it up and give it a go! Let us know what you think!
Thought the same thing. Hard to comment on a 50/50 love it/hate it blend when you know it'll taste different after being rehydrated anyway.
I stick with my original post and say let is know what you think!
Ridin' in a BoxCar
Guess I'd be in the 2.5 - 3 stars group. It is okay but doesn't do enough for me to buy it again and keep it in the steady rotation.
Anyone who wants to give it a go...LMK
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