Full-on Scraggly Bum
I inherited a collection!
So I am super excited! I remember this collection at my grandparents house when I was a kid. My aunt took it and I thought she would keep it forever but she just sent it to me.
I need help, never smoked a pipe before. Have no idea where to start? I also don't know if any of these are even any good anymore? Maybe they need some sort of cleaning or are they to old or not good for smoking.
Also are they worth anything or does anyone recognize them? A lot of them were made in Italy, some are not in perfect shape. If one jumps out at you I can maybe read what kind it is on the pipe.
I will have to figure out the closest shop and pick up some tobacco. Will ne hard doing this without someone to show me I think.
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Thats a nice assortment. They could all use a clean most likely but its not too hard. Plenty of resources for that online.
Pipe shops are not so common out our way. Rochester has Dewey Ave smoke shop as your best bet. Quite a few bulk options and some tins last time I was there. Nice Ash has very little and it tends to be higher priced.
Not sure about Syracuse. They might have something.
The best overall is Smokers Haven just south of Buffalo. A bit of a drive but they blend tobacco in house and the owner is also a pipe carver. The shop is small but packed with hundreds of pipes and accessories.
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Royal Bum
I'm a new piper myself, but my dad used to smoke them and from the looks of them, they don't appear to be in bad condition cosmetically.
Good luck on re-conditioning them. And you can/will probably get some very sage advise from the real pipers here.
Ruler Of The Galaxy
Well, obviously the first thing you need to do is change your screen name to Restopipe
Then we need to make a shout out to
for pointers on restoring pipes. He's well versed in the subject.
Nice score btw
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Full-on Scraggly Bum
Thanks guys, looking at most of them they are well used and some are probably not functional. Most when I lookup are probably just run of the mill 60-70's maybe 50's.
There is one Dr.plum that I like a lot but i can't get it apart and I don't want to break it.
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Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
Well, obviously the first thing you need to do is change your screen name to Restopipe
Then we need to make a shout out to
for pointers on restoring pipes. He's well versed in the subject.
Nice score btw
Lol I sold my car so maybe a new screename would work.
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Lakeland Bum
A good starting point would be to buy a bunch of pipe cleaners, bristle and regular. Get some spirits: Everclear or Golden Grain alcohol from your local liquor store. But if you already have some vodka, rum, or whiskey, you can use that too. Dip the very end of the bristle cleaner in the alcohol and run it through (back and forth to scrub) the stem and shank, being careful to not let the alcohol get on the finish of the pipe. This will loosen up any tars that may be in there. Follow up with a plain pipe cleaner to soak up the tar/alcohol gunk. Repeat until the regular pipe cleaner comes out clean or close to it.
You may want to ream the bowls if they have built up carbon much thicker than a dime. Don't use a pocket knife or you may damage the inside of the bowl. Some people can do it, but it's much safer to use a pipe reamer. I like these reamers:
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Royal Bum
WOW! No idea what I'm looking at but that would push me into pipes for sure.
Got a lounge around you with some regular pipe smokers? I'd head over and ask for tips.
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Golf Course Bum
That's awesome Kevin. I'm sure your grandfather would be very happy knowing you're going to treat them right !
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
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True Derelict
Congrats on those pipes!
Looks like a solid, smokable collection.
Get 'em cleaned up, and start puffing!
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Full-on Scraggly Bum
will have to check the place out in buffalo if I can. There is a smokers choice in Auburn might try there as other than that its an hour drive either direction to find some tobacco.
recommendations on a few starter tobaccos to try? I assume like cigars there is junk to stay away from and then high end stuff? I wouldnt mimd being right in the middle.
Also a few them when I take them apart have a metal piece inside kind of like a flow tube restrictor? Some dont, what is the difference?
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Originally Posted by
SoCal gunner
WOW! No idea what I'm looking at but that would push me into pipes for sure.
Got a lounge around you with some regular pipe smokers? I'd head over and ask for tips.
No lounges that I know of, pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
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