Lonely Wandering Bum
Finished My Tub of Chatham Manor. Yay!
I am not usually this happy to finish a tub of tobacco. But those of you who know me from elsewhere know I am a one blend smoker. For years that blend was Carter Hall. Then some busybody SOB gifted me an 8 oz tin of H&H Classic Burley Kake. Well, that was to be my new one true love. But no, those fools were not content to let me bask in my new found enjoyment. Another busybody SOB gifted me a half tub of H&H Angler's Dream. Wow, my fickle taste buds fell in love again. I can smoke this all day every day and be a happy smoker.
But Russ Oullette then had to go and introduce his versions of venerable old codger blends. There was something in me that made me want to try CM to see how close he came to CH. I think he got it pretty close. I suppose one could make the claim that all 4 blends are variations on a theme, and are fairly close to one another.
While I was always a strong, vocal proponent of Carter Hall, I made sure to say I never thought it was the ultimate blend. Just that I liked it to the point of having no desire to search for something I might not find.
Of the 4 blends, AD somehow speaks to me and says, "You are mine." My palate is ruined by 45 years + of cigarette smoking and therefore I am lost when it comes to nuances and stuff. I either like a blend or I don't. I really, really like Angler's Dream.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Originally Posted by
My palate is ruined by 45 years + of cigarette smoking and therefore I am lost when it comes to nuances and stuff. I either like a blend or I don't.
Are you my long lost identical twin brother?
I still haven't tried the match. I hear that it is pretty close though.
Maybe one of these days I will get around to getting some. In the mean time, I have the real thing to tide me over
Bummin' Around
Originally Posted by
I still haven't tried the match. I hear that it is pretty close though.
Maybe one of these days I will get around to getting some...
Why, that sounds like a challenge.
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes
Originally Posted by
Why, that sounds like a challenge.
A challenge?
Bummin' Around
Originally Posted by
Why, that sounds like a challenge.
Don't let him get away with that!