Bummin' Around
February Tobacco of the Month Nominations
Ok folks. After a forced hiatus due to a fried hard drive and internet censorship the TOTM is back! So...without further ado, on to the nominations. We are going into February and there are two great holidays in this month. President's Day and Valentine's day. So here's what I'm thinking: You can choose from two options: 1. Nominate a great tobacco that your significant other enjoys. Or 2. Nominate a "historical" tobacco to honor our presidents.
I'll start the nominations off with a "historical" tobacco (since I don't currently have a significant other).
SG 1792 Flake -1792 Flake is a full-strength, mellow tobacco comprising a blend of dark-fired Tanzanian leaf. It is Gawith's best-selling premium grade flake. It starts as 7 lbs. of hand stripped leaf and goes through a steaming process prior to being pressed. The cake, having been prepared, is wrapped in a select leaf and packed by hand into a 12 inch square. This cake is pressed and left for a minimum of two hours. Then, the pressed cake is placed into a steam press where it is baked at full heat for two to three hours. The baked cake has then taken on 1792's characteristic rich, dark color. It's hardening occurs during cooling. Once the process of cutting the flake and adding a tonquin flavor is carried out, hand wrapping and packing finalizes 1792, making it ready for rubbing into your pipe.
"Just because the road stops, doesn't mean you have to!"
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AlanS thanked for this post
rød hals
I'ld like to suggest Sutliff's Private Stock Great Outdoors
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
True Derelict
rød hals
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
Bummin' Around
Ok here's what we have so far:
SG 1792 Flake -1792 Flake is a full-strength, mellow tobacco comprising a blend of dark-fired Tanzanian leaf. It is Gawith's best-selling premium grade flake. It starts as 7 lbs. of hand stripped leaf and goes through a steaming process prior to being pressed. The cake, having been prepared, is wrapped in a select leaf and packed by hand into a 12 inch square. This cake is pressed and left for a minimum of two hours. Then, the pressed cake is placed into a steam press where it is baked at full heat for two to three hours. The baked cake has then taken on 1792's characteristic rich, dark color. It's hardening occurs during cooling. Once the process of cutting the flake and adding a tonquin flavor is carried out, hand wrapping and packing finalizes 1792, making it ready for rubbing into your pipe.
Sutliff's Private Stock Great Outdoors - It is perhaps ironic that a blend named Great Outdoors should be appreciated for its room note. This outstanding aromatic is a mixture of Burley, Vanilla, and flavored Black Cavendish. Perfect for fans of Field and Stream. Notes: This blend is manufactured by Sutliff and sold under their "Sutliff Private Stock" brand.
H&H Anniversary Kake - Anniversary Kake- We wanted to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the Hearth and Home tobaccos with a special blend, and due to a fortunate "accident", we were able to create this one. We ordered a blending Virginia that we expected to be all Red, but it turned out to be a mixture of everything from Lemon through Brown, and when we opened the bag, the aroma was amazing. We were able to order more of this tobacco, and then we combined it with St. James Perique (a good amount), heat-treated and pressed it. The result is a smooth, flavorful cake with a mouth-watering chocolate and fig pouch aroma.
"Just because the road stops, doesn't mean you have to!"
Bummin' Around
Bump! We need a couple more! Come on guys!
"Just because the road stops, doesn't mean you have to!"
True Derelict
True Derelict
Royal Bum
Well, if I nominated one that my wife enjoys it would be a nasty goopy aromatic so we won't do that.
I'll be thinking some on the 2nd criteria of a historical blend honoring the presidents. Maybe I'll come up with something by the time I'm home from work.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
Royal Bum
The wife likes the room note of this: Tsuge Winter's Embrace. It's very dry for an aromatic with dried fruit notes and absolutely no goo.....
Winter's Embrace is a perfect companion while sitting in front of the fireplace. Bright flue-cured tobaccos are expertly blended with mellow Burleys and a soft black Cavendish for a gentle, rewarding experience. A pleasant melange of flavors are added to enhance the flavor of the leaf and to create a terrific room note...
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.