Your favorite YouTube pipe personalities/reviewers
Who are your favorite pipe and pipe tobacco reviewers and personalities on Youtube? For me it's clearly these guys:
It's not a real hobby unless it interferes with your work.
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It's not a real hobby unless it interferes with your work.
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rød hals
I haven't watched any that I remembered for more than a day so I guess I would say none of the above.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
True Derelict
Wow. Simply Amazing.
We'd best be careful with this thread, least we discourage our young reviewers.
That first guy is a riot.
I watched a lot of Matches860 reviews, because he's a Burley guy, and so was I for a good long time, so I put a lot of stock in his reviews as someone who "got" Burleys.
rød hals
Really though, I'm on a metered bandwith only 10 gigs a month. So I don't watch a lot of videos. and the ones I do watch are usually recomended by friends or family. I read the reviews here and on a few other forums and go from there.That's why I would recluse myself from picking a favorite, lack of data to make an informed choice.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
One does oneself a disservice by failing to glean nuggets of wisdom from the youtube pipe community!
It's not a real hobby unless it interferes with your work.
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Lakeland Bum
Royal Bum
My good friend Bradley of course.
Seriously, check out Stuff and Things on Youtube if you haven't already. He's a cool guy and I like his videos.
I also like Kel on the SmokeRingsandPipeDreams channel. Cool dude and good videos. He has a lot of videos on both pipes and cigars. Not a lot of reviews persay, but good entertaining videos.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
Bummin' Around
Dighsx is a cool guy and I really enjoyed all his videos.