Waiting on Octember 1st
Outside of work I tend to always be wearing Wranglers. Denim works well for this- I just moisten the rim with a bit of saliva and give it a quick rub on the back of my pant leg when I finish a bowl
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Originally Posted by
Looks like (at this point, after 10 votes) I'm the only "crud on"! What is that! I see pipes frequently with the crud on, so a little confusing to me, the vote.
I tend to only smoke an array of cobs and I'm "country", so I like it, the crud, charring, whatever. I rarely smoke a non-cob pipe but even those, I tend to leave the crud on and build up...shows a history to me. But, I don't have any expensive pipes in my collection...yet. I am sure if I did, or when I find a meer I can afford...I'll most likely keep it clean, I'd imagine.
Either way, super cool poll and thread!
I have evidence some cigar smokers claim they take cello off but, in reality, leave it on. I respect your honesty as I do that of all pipe smokers. Also, I have reason to suspect some cigar smokers claim they leave their cello on when actually they take it off. They are a mysterious lot those cigarists.
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Originally Posted by
Tobias Lutz
Outside of work I tend to always be wearing Wranglers. Denim works well for this- I just moisten the rim with a bit of saliva and give it a quick rub on the back of my pant leg when I finish a bowl
My Wranglers...denim...is good for all sorts of things! They make great fingernail files too...
Originally Posted by
Mister Moo
I have evidence some cigar smokers claim they take cello off but, in reality, leave it on. I respect your honesty as I do that of all pipe smokers. Also, I have reason to suspect some cigar smokers claim they leave their cello on when actually they take it off. They are a mysterious lot those cigarists.
Yes, mysterious...that's for sure...yet making us all unique individuals while achieving (and enjoying) the same end result!
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Originally Posted by
Yes, mysterious...that's for sure...
Probably should have said "sinister".
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Consummate Pipe Bum
I don't clean the rim of the bowl as often as I clean out the stem and shank, but when I feel it's time for other maintenance I will also clean the rim. I feel that the crud is cake that has gone out of bounds, and I like to look at the grain on the rim, so it it's become blackened, I use a scrap of flannel and spit to dissolve the crud. If it's too stubborn for spit I use Everclear, then apply a fresh coat of briar polish. If there's evidence of charring I will use high-grit sandpaper and micro-mesh pads to restore the wood.
Oh, and with regard to the cigar band on/off debate, I leave bands on, just in case the cap starts to unravel. sliding up the band close to the head will keep the rest of the wrapper from coming off. It has saved many a cigar.
"I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley
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Bummin' Around
I love when my cobs get nice and cruddy. They look so much cooler than when they are pristine. I typically do a simple wipe like Tobias does with my briars.
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Originally Posted by
Mr Motoyoshi
I love when my cobs get nice and cruddy. They look so much cooler than when they are pristine. I typically do a simple wipe like Tobias does with my briars.
I agree with the cob statement. I like my cobs to be a little singy and very blue collar. Nothing wrong with burnt corn on a cob.
My briars I am a fan of keeping the rim tidy. I usually apply saliva before lighting the pipe to protect it and wipe it clean after each bowl.
I am not sure about the Meers...I am to new to them to really know what I like in that regard....time will tell
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I should expand on my earlier statement. I try to keep the rims on my briars as clean as possible, but I love the look of a cob that's had a hard life and aside from running the occasional pipe cleaner through them, I do nothing in the way of cleaning.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
Crud ambivalent. It's just a pipe - a device to burn rotten leaves.
I've got better things to do than police a little wayward residue.
I don't own a meer and probably never will. I don't like fragile/fussy things.
I can't find the 'who cares' button on the vote...
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1792 Flake Enthusiast
I voted all three. While I like to think of myself as a "crud-Off" type of fellow, I'm "not sure" I care enough to constantly keep the rims clean.
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