Wow, Someone Knows Me
Crud On or Crud Off?
I am asked so many times, "Mister Moo! Do you think it's best we wipe the crud off our pipe rims or do think we should leave it there forevermore?"
It's always a hot topic in pipeworld - "Crud on or crud off?" For myself, I have moostly been a crud-on man but, to be honest, there are some rims that beg to be kept clean. Also, when a multiplicity of pipes are stored in a large pipe box, the constant handling, fondling and rearranging of pipes (by type, size or personal preference) can get tars and ashes gommed up all over the place.
To the best of my knowledge the pipe (and cruddy rims) predated cigars. As much as the cigar smoker is preoccupied wth cello and bands (on or off) it seems natural that the caring pipesmoker should constantly revisit, discuss and, perhaps, someday resolve the age old question, "Crud on or crud off?"
Last edited by Mister Moo; 03-22-2015 at 01:38 PM.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I'm definitely a crud off man. To me, leaving the crud on is like leaving jelly in my mustache after eating a PBJ.
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Custom User Title
I put "not sure" bcs "ambivalent" was not one of the options
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I try my best to keep the crud off. I have a Microfiber towel at my desk and will use it to wipe my pipes down during smoking. For the rims a little spit on the towel and a bit of a wipe.
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Royal Bum
I only have one nice pipe and I definitely keep it wiped off. It's a beautiful pipe and I like it looking good.
I smoke several cobs and I dont bother with them.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
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Hoosier Bum
I try to keep mine clean. I have one rustic pipe that is almost impossible to keep clean because of all the ridges. I just use a q-tip and wet it in my mouth. It usually comes right off.
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Angus is a God
I try to keep mine clean, especially the meer.
Just an old Gorilla now Bumming around
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Bummin' Around
it's a loaded question for me. I voted "crud off" but I don't mind a slight, even darkening all the way around. I get more of a build up on the bit of the rim closest to your face because my face is always down in a book or something while smoking...so I clean that off. And if it's a cob I actually like the rugged look of a charred rim...so then it stays on.
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Looks like (at this point, after 10 votes) I'm the only "crud on"! What is that! I see pipes frequently with the crud on, so a little confusing to me, the vote.
I tend to only smoke an array of cobs and I'm "country", so I like it, the crud, charring, whatever. I rarely smoke a non-cob pipe but even those, I tend to leave the crud on and build up...shows a history to me. But, I don't have any expensive pipes in my collection...yet. I am sure if I did, or when I find a meer I can afford...I'll most likely keep it clean, I'd imagine.
Either way, super cool poll and thread!
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rød hals
I really have more to concern me than cleaning the rim,,altough I do keep my meer wiped off also,Guess it depends on the pipe,if it is a "pretty"pipe I'ld have to vote to keep the crud off.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane