• Is there a difference between an army mount pipe and a spigot?
  • Is there a difference between an army mount pipe and a spigot?

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  1. #1
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Is there a difference between an army mount pipe and a spigot?

    I was just wondering if these 2 were the same thing and just called different things by different companies. They sure look the same. I have always loved the look of army mount pipes but have never purchased one. I'm thinking about this one, but Peterson calls it a spigot.

    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

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    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I believe that a spigot is the name for a military fitting where the tenon is clad with metal, usually silver. They usually have a matching silver band.

    This from the Peterson's web site:

    The Peterson tradition has long been associated with the fine sterling silver detail of our pipes. The Peterson Spigot is characterised by a sterling silver covering on the tapered end of the mouthpiece which compliments the sterling silver band of the pipe. The Spigot style evolved from the practice of soldiers in earlier centuries who repaired broken pipes by sliding a used cartridge case over the shank and reinserting the mouthpiece. In this unique spigot finished pipe, Peterson craftsmanship perfect the union of finest quality briar and precious metals. The silver is spun to shape and then fitted to the pipe. The craftsmanship, created with only a lathe and chisel as basic tools, is the finest in the industry. Normally fitted with fishtail mouthpiece. Peterson lip is available made to order.

    I had a GBD spigot pipe at one time and it was a military fitting.

    You could call Smokingpipes just to make sure; they are very responsive to questions.
    Last edited by Haebar; 04-12-2017 at 05:05 AM.

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  5. #3
    Advisor to Bum Wanabees Pipe Smoker's Avatar
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    I think "army mount" and "spigot" are two separate concepts. It's said that the army mount came about when a WW I soldier mended the broken shank of his pipe by fitting a sawed-off shell casing over the shank. So an army mount pipe has a metal-clad shank. A spigot bit is one that has no shoulder. Sometimes its tenon is slightly tapered to fit into a slightly conical mortise. A spigot bit on an army mount pipe often, but not always, has metal cladding too.

    That said, nearly all army mount pipes nowadays have spigot bits.

    Edit: Here's a Dunhill with a spigot bit that isn't an army mount:


    And here's a Nording with a spigot bit that isn't an army mount:

    Last edited by Pipe Smoker; 04-14-2017 at 12:02 AM.

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