True Derelict

Originally Posted by
Today, while squatted down in front of my tobacco cabinet, my eye is drawn to some jars, labeled with dates from fall 2015 and a letter of the alphabet. I've just lit a bowl of "D" in a Dr. Grabow. The jar note is exceptionally and naturally sweet. The smoke taste light and tangy with a coy sweetness. This is a very enjoyable tobacco that burns well and puts out a nice amount of smoke.
If anyone knows how
is doing, or has knowledge of what tobaccos these actually are, it would be much appreciated. I hope Pete is doing well, and still enjoy reading some of his old post.
I spent some time a while back trying to figure out what my samples were. I went through our forum posts, emails, etc and compiled what I could find about them.
Ready? Here ya go.
My mixtures - samples sent:
Blood Meridian - The mixture is almost all Virginia, dark and light, with a special ingredient to flesh it out and add complexity.
Red Ronnett's Sonnett
Brave New World (E&C New World)
Cromwell (E&C)
Thomas Hariot
The Professor (semi-aromatic)
Einstein (semi-aromatic)
Pete's descriptions
Mixture A has some Smyrna and that was all I tasted when I tried it yesterday, no Red VA flavor at all.
A = I know that it blooms with age and sucks with AA.
Your samples of Mixture B uses Lemon VA instead of Bright VA (used in my earlier tests) and that could be part of the citrus top note along with AA. The extra acid in the Lemon VA comes through and this mixture tastes one-dimensional.
Me: Blend B has something in it that almost immediately makes my tongue numb. The same thing happened with the Thomas Harriott blend.
Mixture C is the only one with Latakia.
C = This is a finished blend, as long as I can reproduce it regularly (I had thought that I could). The latakia prevents it from being flat like the others but it won't be as intended until the AA wears off and then the latakia is more in a supporting role.
Mixture D was blended on 10-14
D = Needs a lot more time than it has had, as you have it. It needs to assimilate and smooth one of the components (especially). I suspect it will be much better with about 6 months of age.
Pete notes:
Red Ronnett's Sonnett is intended to interplay red virginias with orientals. If blended well it should have some toast and jam with oriental creaminess and a little spice (especially in the snork).
Blood Meridian is intended to have a deeper seat with black stoved virginia and it's all virginia other than a little spice from KY Dark Fired. It's a more rugged Virginia Mixture and so reminded me of the West and thus the name. If I blended it well it should taste like a darker virginia with some sweetness, and a little smokiness and character of the KY Dark Fired.
Thomas Hariot derives from work on making E&C The Stout. It's intended to have a distinct earthy thread of KY Dark Fired in a rich and lightly sweet full English (latakia).
Cromwell (E&C) a medium to full English blend
Brave New World is my updated version of E&C New World. Most cigar leaf blends try too hard to express this component and they're often aggressive and can bite. New World was one of the first cigar leaf mixtures and I've modified the formula to accommodate leaf stock and I use two types of cigar leaf. Lots of orientals. If I blended well it should be light but lingering on the palate, with a nice interplay between the cigar leaf and be more what I believe cigar leaf mixtures should be, a combination of pipe and cigar tastes. Some cream and sneaky nic hit.
The Professor I've explained and it should be very cool and dry burning, especially for an aromatic. This green river base works well with latakia and the result should be a tolerable room note with a nicely delivered latakia flavor (not a bomb).
Should be very cool and dry burn, even if the tobacco feels a bit moist. Latakia and Green River cavendish work well together, and they smooth the flavors but shouldn't hide them. Shouldn't bite even if puffed hard.
Einstein is made with The Professor as the base but it has a stronger burley component that adds some depth and complexity. Most of you received the version that's slightly more aromatic than The Professor and can burn less cool and dry but unless puffed aggressively this shouldn't be a problem.
The Professor and Einstein were sent fairly moist but they light and burn well this way. Einstein can be a little more aromatic in its properties.
My notes:
Leaves my mouth feeling a bit dry. Not a lot of flavor. Hint of pepper? Maybe imagining something floral? Maybe burley, or C&D virginias. A bit harsh. Irritated the end of my tongue and front of roof of my mouth.
Guess: Red Ronnett’s Sonnett
A little dry, but not bitey. I get some floral notes. Plenty of smoke. Almost a pine resin scent on hard puffing. Retrohale is sharp. My dog is really interested in this smoke. Pretty sure there are orientals in this one. There is also a malty breadiness. Less spice in the snork on the last half of the bowl, and a tiny bit more sweetness (like a baguette). Decent nicotine by the end of the bowl.
I’m not picking up a burley bite on this one. More like a C&D virginia dryness. If so, I bet a switch to McClelland 5100 would put it right in my sweet spot.
Guess: Blood Meridian
Charing light is dry, but once it gets going a delicious sweetness appears.
A mild spice to the snork. Much less spice than mixture B. Smooth. I like this best so far. Hints of butter and toast.
Toward the end of the smoke, I pick up a sort of musty Barnyard compost smell every once in awhile.
Guess: Cromwell?
Buttery sweetness. Creamy. Pretty good smoke volume. Occasional spice.
Guess: Brave New World
Let me know if any of you other guys have other guesses.
Last edited by BryGuySC; 02-02-2017 at 05:10 PM.
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Don't listen to this guy!
"G" is a light English ???
or maybe an Oriental
I'm no good at this
Last edited by GWBowman; 02-03-2017 at 09:34 PM.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Today, while squatted down in front of my tobacco cabinet, my eye is drawn to some jars, labeled with dates from fall 2015 and a letter of the alphabet. I've just lit a bowl of "D" in a Dr. Grabow. The jar note is exceptionally and naturally sweet. The smoke taste light and tangy with a coy sweetness. This is a very enjoyable tobacco that burns well and puts out a nice amount of smoke.
If anyone knows how
is doing, or has knowledge of what tobaccos these actually are, it would be much appreciated. I hope Pete is doing well, and still enjoy reading some of his old post.
I don't know what's going on with Pete, but I do hope only the best for he and his family as I know he's been through some trials of life lately. Pete is the first person to send me some pipe tobacco to try, and I do appreciate his generosity and kindness to a fellow BOTL.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
"G" is a light English ???
or maybe an Oriental
I'm no good at this
I thought it was only me....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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True Derelict
Dang it. I didn't get any "G."
I think we need a more detailed review.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Dang it. I didn't get any "G."
I think we need a more detailed review.
I'd get you a more detailed view, but I think the wifey would bust my head. I think
might be the man to fix you up right now.....Errrrrr.....ahhhhh.....nevermind, I just realized you stated "review" and not "view".......carry on.....I'll just be here back in the shadows trying to shutup......
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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