Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Received mine today and am smoking the first bowl of my version of Double Bass (as in the musical instrument, not the fish!). I'm really enjoying it, and it's perfect for a cool evening on the back patio with a cup of coffee. There's a lot going on with this blend - it's smooth, buttery, with lots of body and depth, but complex, too. I'm not able to really pick out each component but I don't think I've tasted anything quite like this (in all my vast experience of 10 months or so of pipe smoking!) so they all seem to be contributing seamlessly to the overall effect. Individual flavors come and go a bit more as I progress down the bowl. There's a nice mesquite-like woodyness which I imagine to be an effect the Kentucky is having on the Latakia, but what do I know. It's cool burning and easy smoking. I'm not sure it exactly matches my vision. I think the Orientals and maybe one of the VAs are making for a brighter smoke than I was imagining. But I love Oriental-forward blends, and I'd buy this one. I imagine it'll get even better with some age. Can't wait to try Pete's version!
By the way, Pete
, I seem to have received 2 samples of the same blends (606), so maybe Wayne also got a duplicate? I'm happy to mail him one.
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True Derelict

Originally Posted by
By the way, Pete @
NeverBend, I seem to have received 2 samples of the same blends (606), so maybe Wayne also got a duplicate? I'm happy to mail him one.
Hi Chico,
Thanks for letting me know. If Wayne(@OnePyroTech) hasn't received some Mixture 606 I would be grateful if you could forward some to him.
Advisor to Bum Wanabees

Originally Posted by
Hi Chico,
Thanks for letting me know. If Wayne(@OnePyroTech) hasn't received some Mixture 606 I would be grateful if you could forward some to him.
Just pm'd Wayne. I'm wondering if he also received a duplicate, since in my package there was only the two 606s and the two versions of Double Bass.
I forgot to mention yesterday that about 3/4 down the bowl, there was a burst of distinct anise-like flavor. Totally unexpected, but delicious.
I just finished a bowl of the other version, and enjoyed it. It seemed crisper, lighter, toasty, and more incense-like, but also with a fuller bottom note if that makes sense. Not much mid-range (all woofer and tweeter). I tasted eucalyptus a few times, some herbal notes, but it seemed to lack the complexity of the other version. It was also smooth with a lot of smoke, though not as cool, and seemed to burn really quickly.
I was really curious to compare them side-by-side, so about 2/3 through the bowl I had some coffee then lit half a bowl of the first version. And now I'm totally confused! It tasted like a completely different blend to what I smoked last night. One-dimensional and waxy. I mean like burning wax. It may be the pipe, or maybe I just fried my palate smoking two lat blends in a row. I'm going to give them both a rest for a week or so, and come back to them fresh.
Don't listen to this guy!
I have smoked a couple of bowls of the blend you made for me. I've kicked a few names around, but hoped the taste would help me with the name. Back to the tobacco. The jar note is mostly smoky Latakia with a rich tobacco smell in the background, struggling to poke through. When first lit, all I'm getting is the Latakia. A little way in, I get intermittent moments of faint sweetness. Further along, the Latakia fades some, but the Virginia doesn't get any stronger. The Latakia doesn't seem to be overpowering everything else. Instead, everything else just seems so muted. Believe I'll set it aside and see what a little time does for it.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
True Derelict

Originally Posted by
Just pm'd Wayne. I'm wondering if he also received a duplicate, since in my package there was only the two 606s and the two versions of Double Bass.
I forgot to mention yesterday that about 3/4 down the bowl, there was a burst of distinct anise-like flavor. Totally unexpected, but delicious.
I just finished a bowl of the other version, and enjoyed it. It seemed crisper, lighter, toasty, and more incense-like, but also with a fuller bottom note if that makes sense. Not much mid-range (all woofer and tweeter). I tasted eucalyptus a few times, some herbal notes, but it seemed to lack the complexity of the other version. It was also smooth with a lot of smoke, though not as cool, and seemed to burn really quickly.
I was really curious to compare them side-by-side, so about 2/3 through the bowl I had some coffee then lit half a bowl of the first version. And now I'm totally confused! It tasted like a completely different blend to what I smoked last night. One-dimensional and waxy. I mean like burning wax. It may be the pipe, or maybe I just fried my palate smoking two lat blends in a row. I'm going to give them both a rest for a week or so, and come back to them fresh.
Hi Chico,
You were supposed to have a sample of "G" as well so it's probable that Wayne has 2 of them.
Pretty much it comes down to this...if something tastes good then I intended it to be so and if not then it wasn't my fault
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Advisor to Bum Wanabees

Originally Posted by
Hi Chico,
You were supposed to have a sample of "G" as well so it's probable that Wayne has 2 of them.
Pretty much it comes down to this...if something tastes good then I intended it to be so and if not then it wasn't my fault

Hey, that's been my assumption all along!
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Ridin' in a BoxCar
Yes, I have two "G" samples, the package just arrived...Pete I'll pm you my correct address. Good thing I live in a small town
True Derelict

Originally Posted by
Yes, I have two "G" samples, the package just arrived...Pete I'll pm you my correct address. Good thing I live in a small town

Thanks Wayne.
What I'm finding on my end.
Mixture "C" is closest to settled. Mixture "B" is more evolved than "A" and "D" that I suspect will take the longest to arrive.
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Don't listen to this guy!
A couple of days ago I smoked a bowl of D in Dr. G Savoy. It had a light, mild sweetness that started to fade about halfway down the bowl. Today, I smoked another bowl in a small meer. It seemed less sweet, but also the sweetness was less honey, more dark dried fruit. Seemed to pick up a little spice this time. I think the difference was more due to time than pipe. May have to try another pipe later today, or tomorrow.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
Don't listen to this guy!
Today when I opened my jar of D, the jar note hit me as familiar, and defiantly different from the other two times. On the second or maybe third sniff I was back at Uncle James tobacco barn. Smells just like the fresh flue cured tobacco. Dang that was like the early 70's. I loaded my Dr. G Duke. The flavor seems muted to almost nothing. It's also a little more likely to nip at my tongue. The tongue bite could very well be the something I'm doing, but I don't recall getting it before. This is so interesting and fun. Guess I'll put this one back in the cabinet for a while and see how it does later.
Next up will be G. Still haven't smoked any Einstein or The Professor.
Last edited by GWBowman; 11-29-2015 at 09:58 PM.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva